New Jersey Dem under investigation Reveals Millions of Dollars in Undisclosed Stock Trades – IOTW Report

New Jersey Dem under investigation Reveals Millions of Dollars in Undisclosed Stock Trades

WFB: Just days after entering his financial assets into a blind trust to sidestep ethics questions over his failure to disclose stock transactions in a timely manner, New Jersey Democrat Tom Malinowski revealed 86 new financial transactions worth up to $1.97 million that he failed to disclose when he originally made them.

Those transactions, disclosed on Aug. 26, date back to January 2019, his first month as an elected official. Together they were valued at between $373,086 and $1,970,000, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis. The disclosure came just a week after Malinowski on Aug. 17 entered his assets into a blind trust in hopes of sidestepping ethics concerns raised over his past violations of the STOCK Act, which requires members of Congress to report securities transactions worth over $1,000 within 45 days.

Malinowski failed to report any of the 86 newly disclosed stock transactions, made between January 2019 and March 2021, within the required 45 day timeframe. Also included in the report were 48 amendments to financial transaction disclosures that were filed inaccurately.

A report by Business Insider in March that Malinowski had repeatedly violated the STOCK Act in his first two years as a congressman led to numerous ethics complaints against the New Jersey Democrat. The House Ethics Committee announced on Thursday afternoon that its members had voted to continue its investigation into whether Malinowski violated the STOCK Act, noting that he “may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.” read more

7 Comments on New Jersey Dem under investigation Reveals Millions of Dollars in Undisclosed Stock Trades

  1. But the banks must disclose our banking transactions of us little people.

    This guy will never see a jail cell.

    Are the Republicans going to start standing up for us? 🤔 Not likely. 🤣

  2. One of the first things I learned when I held elected office was “A public office is a public trust and shall be held for the sole benefit of the people”. I was repeatedly shocked and disgusted over the years at how many people believe that a public office is solely held for the enrichment of the person holding it.


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