De-bark Fauci – IOTW Report

De-bark Fauci

Post Millennial:

Democrats and Republicans demand answers from Fauci over cruel experiments on puppies.

The White Coat Waste Project, a nonprofit instrumental in breaking the story that US taxpayer dollars were used to fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, once again has Dr. Anthony Fauci in its sights, this time over a disturbing animal testing experiment, which saw dozens of beagle puppies in a Tunisian lab deliberately infected with disease-causing parasites.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require drugs undergoing clinical trials to be tested on dogs, leaving questions as to why such funding was allocated, or why this kind of experimental testing was necessary at all. White Coat Waste Project further alleges that some of the puppies had their vocal cords removed so researchers could work without “incessant barking.”

In response, Rep, Nancy Mace (R-SC) penned the bi-partisan letter to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) condemning the cordectomies as “cruel” and calling them a “reprehensible misuse of taxpayer funds.” more here

20 Comments on De-bark Fauci

  1. Wouldn’t it be ironic, if after being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, it would be the death of puppies that finally brought this monster down?

  2. You know what they say about kids who torture animals, they have a tendency to grow up and become serial killers and worse. I’d bet that Fauci was a torturer of cats and other small critters as a kid and enjoyed ripping wings off of flies and frying ants and other bugs with a magnifying glass on a hot sunny day.

  3. @Tony R: Sad but true how humans value dogs/cats/etc over human life. Probably because most animals with 4 legs are helpless. I’m not a bit surprised at what Fauci has done, may he die an agonizing death and eaten alive by maggots.

  4. i really would like an answer why the government would be funding research inchina to make a virus even more deadly. we really need an answer on this and who authorized it.

  5. @geoff the aardvark: Well, truth be told, we all did that as kids. I use to take flies and throw them into a wolf spider’s web in the ground and watch the spider take his meal. I feed birds too, so I think I turned out okay. Never was cruel to dogs/cats/and the like. I took in a feral cat, husband wasn’t happy. Now DH loves the cat, babies it, and now she has a home. I believe the Antediluvian’s were destroyed in the book of Genisis by God for messing with science like Fauci is. It’s coming, are you ready?

  6. He said he did nothing wrong. Well there you have it, nothing to see here. America’s top doctor you know.
    It depends on what your definition of doctor is. Doctor of death was a sideline of fraud me thinks.
    It wouldn’t bother me to see this guy in stocks being eaten alive by something small and miniscule like him.

  7. In keeping with the newly released “Dune” movie, it would be fitting if “Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother” Candace Owens were to use a Gom Jabbar on Fauxi to test if he were human or not. I’d be willing to bet that he’d fail…..and die (as he so richly deserves).

  8. PETA is up in arms about this!!!! They want Fauci FIRED!!!

    JK…They want Francis Collins fired.

    “It’s high time to fire NIH director Francis Collins for mismanagement of NIH, waste of taxpayer funds and the continuation of animal experiments that are replaceable by vastly superior, modern, technological breakthrough science,”

  9. He also tortured and killed pregnant women, kids in foster care, and orphans all through the midwest when he was testing his AIDS potions.
    His people even lied to a pregnant woman telling her she had AIDS and cancer so he could give her the drug.

    They used to roast people in the center of town for much less than what he did and is still doing today.


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