Illinois: Missing United Airlines executive’s body is found hanging by a belt from a tree in nature preserve – IOTW Report

Illinois: Missing United Airlines executive’s body is found hanging by a belt from a tree in nature preserve


A United Airlines executive who went missing more than a year ago during a jog near his suburban Chicago home, has been found hanging by a belt from a tree in a nature preserve. 

Contractors found the remains of Jacob Cefolia, 50, of Elmhurst, Illinois, on Friday afternoon while removing invasive species in an area of heavy brush and vegetation at the 2500-acre Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve near Darien. 

It was the same location where Cefolia’s Range Rover Sport was found after he went missing on August 8, 2020. 

A forensic odonatologist examined dental records and positively identified the remains as belonging to Cefolia, according to the corner. 

Cefolia was senior vice president of global sales for Chicago-based United Airlines, the fourth largest passenger carrier in the United States. 

An avid runner, he was known to jog through the area, running for several miles at a time.

The contractors were removing invasive species in the area when they came across ‘human remains hanging from a low hanging tree,’ according to the Forest Preserve District chief of police.   more

17 Comments on Illinois: Missing United Airlines executive’s body is found hanging by a belt from a tree in nature preserve

  1. “It was the same location where Cefolia’s Range Rover Sport was found after he went missing on August 8, 2020.”

    Wow. Exhaustive search. Was the FBI heading it up?

  2. This is tragic. He left two young children behind — and an ex-wife.

    (if you’re going to comment on something, please at least read the linked article. The area was covered in dense brush. The police used search dogs but they lost the scent a short distance into the brush.)

  3. I’ve seen suicides, from teenage attention getters to cops who couldn’t take it any more. I always said if you’re serious about leaving us, it really isn’t that hard.

    This guy was serious about leaving us.

    So he did.


    Guys like this just show suicide gestures for what they are. Cries for help from people who WANT to be saved.

    This guy did NOT want to be saved.

    So he wasn’t.

    Not a good idea, if you fear God.

    Glad it wasn’t me who had to tell his family.

    I would have no comfort to give them.

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and a bad one at that. Talk to freinds, family, to God before even making a “gesture”.

    Because I’ve seen “gestures” that ended up more successful than inteded as well.

    Suicide is poisonous to those you leave behind, too. They always flay themselves over what they should have seen, what they could have done, sometimes to the point of suicide themselves.

    Some folks literally refuse to live without others.

    It’s a subject I know too well, and sometimes I think it poisoned me, and I didn’t even KNOW these people.

    Most of them, anyway.

    It’s one of the reasons some cops eat their guns. It’s a leading reason why brain peepers themselves have a high rate of suicide. It becomes an increasingly attractive option as a man ages and his body increasingly traps his mind in a failing house. It is given a romantic allure in everything from Shakespeare to popular music.

    But they never tell you it will damn you to hell.

    I am no counselor. I left most of my feeble attempts well behind. Anyone spends an hour talking to ME would probably spend the rest of their now-short life looking for a sturdy tree limb. I have only thorns for comfort.

    And do not turn to “professionals”. I know enough about them to know they are mental themselves. You can’t get your sanity by stud, from someone who punches a clock for your problem. THOSE guys today will lead you straight to Liberal Hell. Look at any “children’s hospital transgender ward” if you don’t believe me.

    No, you can’t pay a man to sincerely listen to or care about your problems.

    And he CERTAINLY isn’t going to FIX them.

    Not profitable, you see.

    So you need to turn to someone who actually cares about you.

    Turn to friends.
    Turn to family.
    Turn to your family in Christ.
    Turn to your Pastor.
    Turn to your Lord.

    But whatever you do, do not raise your hand to yourself.

    Hamlet’s undiscovered country is simply hell.

    And it remains undiscovered because you will NEVER come back from it…

  4. Is this another name to add to the list of “didn’t hang himself”, like Epstein?

  5. I read the article. I have also spent many days in the wilds of south Georgia and north Florida, so I know about dense underbrush. The plump, comfortable cops of suburban Chicago apparently can’t hack it, pardon the pun.

    And speaking of “invasive species”, it’s a good thing for Chicago cops that they don’t have kudzu to deal with.


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