#YouStoodBy – IOTW Report


While We Suffered, 
Our Politicians Stood By.
Welcome to #StormWeek.


OCTOBER 24-30 has been designated “Storm Week” and WE THE PEOPLE will be the ones bringing change! No more waiting on things to happen or “trusting the plan” – WE ARE THE PLAN! 

These letters here are a foundation so YOU as an American can peacefully but effectively bring your own storm to the local, state, and federal officials who continue to fail miserably at protecting the constitutional rights of their constituents. IT ENDS NOW.  

After a year of gaslighting by corrupt media and swamp creatures, an increasing majority of Americans are waking up and are FED UP.

While our politicians STOOD BY we lost the integrity of the nation’s election systems, our fundamental human rights to bodily autonomy and to breathe freely were attacked with mask mandates and mandatory vaccinations. 

It is past time we remind our failed officials that THEY WORK FOR US before we remove EACH AND EVERYONE ONE OF THEM in accordance with law.  Stand ready, Americans!  The time is now!  MORE HERE

8 Comments on #YouStoodBy

  1. I’ve learned this one fact after a 40 year career in the federal government. I retired from a position in upper management, and I dealt with congressional and senate offices regularly. Politicians do not care. They don’t care one iota for you or this once great country. There is no lower form of life on the planet than a politician. A politician spends 24 hours each and every day trying to get reelected. That is the only thing he cares about. Can you help him get reelected? Then you’re his pal. If you can’t help, step aside as you are of no use.

  2. The Politicians keep the hard-working, law-abiding, over-taxed payer too busy complying to ever-expanding laws and working hard to pay his ever-increasing taxes!!
    Trus me when I tell you, there is a breaking point!

  3. It’s gone too far. And it’s way too late to make changes in a peaceful way. The only thing that will bring about change is seeing politicians hanging from streetlights in DC and state capitals nationwide. They believe that they are invincible, and will continue to do whatever they want until mobs with ARs and molotov cocktails are at their doorsteps.


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