Biden is touching children again – IOTW Report

Biden is touching children again

Agent Brandoe The Pipe Hitter

President Biden appeared to straddle a young student when he dropped by East End Elementary School in NJ…

SNIP: Why don’t the parents of the kids he has touched inappropriately ever speak out?

22 Comments on Biden is touching children again

  1. My grandson said if some old man did that to him he’d hit him with the back of his head.
    Then he wanted to know why that lady didn’t tell him to quit bothering the kid and I told him that’s why he goes to Mom’s school and not public school.

  2. When the fucker stands up he rubs his cock on the back of the child’s head. I wish that State Trooper Biden laid his hand on his knee had knocked him off his chair.

  3. Friends, I realize that given who the hell currently runs Canada i should shut my mouth but I never in 51 years thought I would witness what has happened in the United States.

    I honestly pray for you. If the US goes dark, the experiment is over. Period.
    England has NEVER known real freedom, Australia is more worried about their kangaroos than their Children and forget Canuckistan. We still can not figure out getting along between the French, English, & Natives.

    That pretty much just leaves Poland, Free USA, & Israel.

    Who the fuck knows…

  4. “Why don’t the parents of the kids he has touched inappropriately ever speak out?”

    Because they are complicit. Just as are Hollyweird Moms who offer their children to Hollyweird Bigwigs as sex playtoys for some fleeting celebrity. Just as the Chinese Communist Apparatchiks took their toddler daughters to Chairman Mao to momentarily satisfy his lusts.

    Children are a commodity to these people. They can kill them or fuck them with equanimity.

    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Tim – FJB-

    Remember that Coons guy? Biden was grabbing his daughter and practically burying his mouth in her ear. Her father and mother said nothing. Didn’t even try to pull her away or get in between him and the girl.

  6. Ten percent for the Big Guy, ten year-old for the Big Guy.

    When my youngest son was eight, we went to a cub scout camp where they did things to earn belt clips, sort of like merit badges. His den finished up their events for the day and headed bad to camp. I was the tange-master for the BB-gun badge , so I was not in camp to witness what happened, but I was told that my son said he was really hungry, so he decided to camp out where the food line would start later. He was not in the way or causing trouble, but his presence and refusal to leave was apparently too much for a dad who was cooking dinner nearby.

    The guy came over and picked my son up by his upper arms to physically move him. Whereupon my son said, “You’re hurting me! Put me down!” Which the guy did not do, so my son kicked him square in the nads. I was told about this by my son and witnesses later, and I guess the guy packed up and left, because I never saw him again. Which was probably a good thing. That was our last outing with the Cub Scouts.

    Though I would have like to see that dad crumple into the dirt as it was described to me. And I sure would like to see video of Biden doubled over over after a little fist to his nads after he touched the wrong kid.

  7. What I want to know is what is the box he is wearing at the 14 second mark on his ass.
    Watch it again, the damn thing sticks out 3 inches.
    Its his control box.

  8. Looks like the top of a diaper or the bottom of a ballistic vest.

    Probably both, so more video evidence of a sniff, caress, and dick rub but hey at least his taste in kids has diversified.

    The alacrity with which he backed away when the teacher fronted him is more proof of his pederasty.

    Dollars to doughnuts she was aware and cutting of the abuse.

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