Boxing Legend Floyd Mayweather Knocks Out Vaccine Mandates: ‘A Free Mind Makes Its Own Choices’ – IOTW Report

Boxing Legend Floyd Mayweather Knocks Out Vaccine Mandates: ‘A Free Mind Makes Its Own Choices’

Western Journal: Since President Joe Biden began his push to subject Americans to vaccine mandates, many have pushed back. On Monday, superstar boxer Floyd Mayweather became the latest famous figure to speak out against the mandates.

In a video posted to his Twitter account, Mayweather expressed support for Kyrie Irving, an NBA player who has chosen not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“America is the land of the free — freedom of speech, freedom of religion and supposedly freedom to choose,” Mayweather said. “Never be controlled by money. I respect you for having some integrity and being your own man.” more here

8 Comments on Boxing Legend Floyd Mayweather Knocks Out Vaccine Mandates: ‘A Free Mind Makes Its Own Choices’

  1. It’s great that Irving, Chappelle, Mayweather, Kanye, et al are speaking out – not for particular politics but merely for the freedom to make their own choices.
    And most of those trying to push them down are white liberals.

  2. @ Left Coast Dan OCTOBER 27, 2021 AT 2:12 PM

    Whites Are NOT Blacks’ Problem–ELITE Whites ARE!

    “White elites are the Dr. Anthony Faucis, Bill Gates’, and Jeff Bezos’ of this world. They are drunk with money and power, and seek control over the lives of others. To be clear, I’m not saying that all wealthy people are bad. It’s just that riches and the massive power that comes with it tends to corrupt… In some cases, “absolutely.”

    Contrast white elites with “regular” white people, and you’ll see a night and day difference overall.”

  3. Mayweather said. “Never be controlled by money. I respect you for having some integrity and being your own man.”

    Ahhhh, he’s the highest paid athlete there ever was. he can be any one he chooses.

  4. The dmeocrat-rino party, chicoms, globalists, big-plague pharma and conspirators want all blacks and non-whites d-on-the-ed which is one reason he, Irving, Owens, Manaj et all are speaking up against the conspiracy to enslave us all.

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