This Halloween PLEASE Don’t Give To Terrorist-Supporting UNICEF! – IOTW Report

This Halloween PLEASE Don’t Give To Terrorist-Supporting UNICEF!

The Lid- On Sunday, October 31, millions of children across America will be putting on their scariest costumes and going door to door asking for candy. It’s that Halloween time of the year again. Last year’s Halloween was void of trick or treating because of COVID.  I suspect this year will be closer to the usual pre-pandemic festivities. don’t give to UNICEF more

16 Comments on This Halloween PLEASE Don’t Give To Terrorist-Supporting UNICEF!

  1. Used to take those orange & black boxes door to door.
    Admittedly I swiped dollars from them.
    Actually any paper currency.
    Got a couple twenties!
    Hey, I was NO SAINT!

    Just proves I’m ahead of the game and kept cash money from dem operatives.
    You are welcome!

  2. No problem.
    We disconnected the doorbell as it drives our Maltese nuts. We don’t buy the junk candy, don’t turn on any outside lights, and ignore the whole trick or treat routine.
    Because we live in a fairly upscale neighborhood, vans full of total strangers invade for their handouts.
    If you want candy, go to the store and buy it. I’m not involved in this annual ritual.

  3. When I worked for the state, there was the annual united way campaign. Bosses wanted 100% participation. I always refused. There were so many so called charities I would never support. The argument was that I could designate a charity. Of course if most people designated a charity, the fund would still just redistribute to even it out for he left wing organizations.

  4. Never collected for UNICEF nor donated to them, and to be honest, I don’t know of anyone who did. Even as a kid, there was something weird and off-putting about the whole thing that made me not want to get involved with it. The lesson: learn to trust your instincts, folks.

  5. Considering the proliferation of “Charity organizations” that wouldn’t help someone who looks like me, and going woke to boot, I don’t give to charities anymore.
    I see a neighbor in need, I help them. I figure if everyone did that, there would be no need for charity organizations.
    That’s it.

  6. Hated them since I was in 3rd grade. I even got in an argument with one of their cult members at a young age. lol.

    I’ve never seen a charitable organization threaten, push, coerce, guilt, people so hard as UNICEF does. Back in the 90s, someone I knew who worked at Target got his check and inside the envelope was a letter that said if they did not say NO, they were going to automatically take 5% of every paycheck and donate it to UNICEF. UNICEF printed the letters.
    That shit ended pretty quick. LOL.

    They did that to military contractors, too. Same way. Only they wanted 15% from them.

  7. I don’t mind giving people a helping hand but if they want a handout, they may as well try to get it from UNICEF. I refuse to give money to any charitable organization even though there may actually be one or two deserving ones out there somewhere.

    The latest trend for woke corporations seems to be to get you to contribute your change to feed the hungry. A typical exchange at the grocery checkout goes something like this:

    Clerk: Do you want to contribute your change to feed the hungry?
    Me: Why do you suppose I bought all this food?
    Clerk(perplexed look): I don’t know . Why?
    Me: Because I’m hungry. Give me my change.

    If woke corporations really want to virtue signal, they can round the price down to the nearest dollar and use their money instead of mine.


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