These headlines could be real – IOTW Report

These headlines could be real

We Hear COVID Has Killed Thousands Of Women & Men. But What About The Other 62 Genders? By Libby McTardo.

‘Get Outta Here, Pete!’ Border Patrol Yells To Buttigieg After He Hears They’re Handing Out Whippings.

WNBA Players Issue Ultimatum To American People: ‘It’s Either Us Or The Flag’

After Long Day, Fauci Unwinds By Watching Last Five Minutes Of Old Yeller On Loop.

White House Spins Food Shortage As ‘The Joe Biden Diet’.

17 Comments on These headlines could be real

  1. Female protestor again follows Kyrsten Sinema into bathroom stall, notices Michelle Obama peeing standing up in a urinal and sends pic to Daily Mail. Larry Sinclair would like to meet over drinks.

  2. My conspiracy radar is on and it is saying that the “president and his flunkies are formulating a dastardly plan: “Let’s put this outrageous idea out there which even most democrats won’t support…then we’ll drop it and give them the right a left uppercut for slave reparations that will make even Republicans think: Whew, well, at least slave descendents are Americans…that’s better than 450K to every illegal alien that sneaks in…and, if we support it we’ll get more black votes…that’s how we win back power…it’s a win-win.

  3. Supreme Court Nullifies all Legislation Supporting Gender Self-identification as Unconstitutional Under Establishment Clause of 1st Amendment.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

  4. Uncle Al. LOL! You might want to consider, “Joe Biden Wins Second Term from His Coffin…”
    With Crazy Joey’s dementia “Dr.”Jill’s “care” and brain surgeries it probably won’t be long. As you know, Democrats never stop voting.


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