Pushing ‘Build Back Better’ Agenda, Biden Claims You Can Drive Across The Country In An Electric Vehicle ‘On A Single Tank Of Gas, Figuratively Speaking.’ – IOTW Report

Pushing ‘Build Back Better’ Agenda, Biden Claims You Can Drive Across The Country In An Electric Vehicle ‘On A Single Tank Of Gas, Figuratively Speaking.’

Awesome. Corey Booker and T-Bone won’t have to make any stops when they drive to Hawaii!

“We’ll build out the first-ever national network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations, all across the country,” announced President Biden on Thursday. “So when you buy an electric vehicle — and you get credit for buying it —when you buy an electric vehicle, you can go all the way across America on a single tank of gas, figuratively speaking.”

“It’s not gas, you plug it in,” he added. “500,000 of them, these stations along the way.”


23 Comments on Pushing ‘Build Back Better’ Agenda, Biden Claims You Can Drive Across The Country In An Electric Vehicle ‘On A Single Tank Of Gas, Figuratively Speaking.’

  1. There are so many things wrong with Joey’s assertion I couldn’t begin to list them all.

    But here’s a question for him to answer: Of the total time spent getting from point A to point B, meaning drive time plus either filling the tank or charging the battery, what percentage of total time do you spend filling the gas or diesel tank as compared to the percentage of total time you spend waiting for the battery to charge? Show your work.

    Similarly informative would be the answer to how long would it take in either type of vehicle to travel a distance of 1,000 miles, ceteris paribus?

  2. Where does the electricity at these charging stations come from, the electron fairy? There certainly isn’t enough wind and solar. And what powers the mining equipment that produces the materials for the batteries? And transports the end product to market? So many questions. I’ll shut up now.

  3. The same guy that sold his own long driveway without thinking about how he was going to get to his house is telling America how they’re going to drive cross country.

    Joe Biden thinks ahead about as far as a one minute from now. Beyond that is beyond him.

  4. I wonder how much Uncle Xi is incentivising Jackass Joe for getting Americans off of fossil fuel?

    “Get Yankee pig-dogs off of fossil fuels! More oil, gas and coal for us!!”

    I’m telliln ya, this rogue administration will sell our own natural resources out from under us for pennies on the dollar disguised as a so-called “Green Initiative”!!

  5. By what authority will Pedo Joe the Usurper build 500,000 charging stations?
    And how will he produce the electricity for them?
    And, of course, land must be bought or leased on every major highway – so who sets up those deals?

    Smells like a gigantic corruption scheme to separate taxpayers from their money.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. By what authority will Pedo Joe the Usurper build 500,000 charging stations?

    Oh c’mon already! When wuz the last time you saw Jackass Joe, the grinning Imbecile hamstrung with the mental agility of Karl Childers, actually THINK before speaking???

  7. You’ll wait 6 – 10 hours and you’ll charge your Barbie Corvette??!

    You’re dreaming!
    As wonderfully efficient as all those Flying J’s and Pilots that cover our great land, many times I’ve hate to WAIT for a pump because of lines. Sometimes the line includes a slow-ass nitwit who holds up the rest of us.

    So imagine if all of Joey’s supporters buy a Chevy Dolt and you have to wait 12 hours to get your turn at a 8 hour charge!

    They won’t be announcing “shower 5 is available”, they will be issuing wake-up calls.

  8. It’s all about “nudging” Americans into cities. None of the “solutions” offered by the federal government preserve individual freedom to travel significant distance without government involvement (e.g., public transportation).

    Hybrid vehicles could be designed to provide twice the range of ones using a conventional gasoline-only drivetrain by using a small gasoline-powered generator to power an electric drivetrain, but virtually none of them (with the exception of diesel locomotives) use this configuration. They are designed to provide the greatest fuel savings when driven under 40 mph (Prius) or fewer than 50 miles (Volt, Insight, Leaf, Tesla) — in other words, in the city.

  9. Xiden needs to think outside the box a little. Covered wagons may be old tech but they would travel the distance in about the same time and wouldn’t require 500,000 charging stations. They would also provide a shot on the arm for the struggling buggy whip industry. Win, win, win!!!

  10. So he’s talking about 10,000 charging stations in each state. There are currently 1800 gas stations in my state of Illinois. So 5.5 times more charging stations than gas stations. Does he know there’s only 4 corners at each intersection?

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