REPORT: Over 400 Gas-Guzzling Private Jets Carry Climate Change Frauds to COP26. Empty Planes Are Forced To Travel 30 Miles From Airport To Avoid Traffic Jam – IOTW Report

REPORT: Over 400 Gas-Guzzling Private Jets Carry Climate Change Frauds to COP26. Empty Planes Are Forced To Travel 30 Miles From Airport To Avoid Traffic Jam

It’s like a broken record—billionaire globalists, CEOs of major financial institutes, and far-left elected leaders from around the world make the trek on their private jets to some foreign land where they discuss ways to make everyday people comply.

For decades, globalists who’ve promised to “save the world” have struggled to get individuals and businesses on board with agreeing to have their income and freedoms stolen in the name of “man-made climate change.” Unfortunately, these past few years have proven to the world how easy it is to get entire nations to comply when globalist leaders come together and demand that citizens fall in line. Who knew it was so easy? It only took months for one man-made virus to be released from a lab in communist China that resulted in stripping citizens in free countries around the world of their God-given rights and freedoms.

While Australians are being handcuffed and arrested for the crime of sitting in the sand near the ocean and Americans are being fired from their jobs for refusing to take a COVID jab, billionaires from around the world are boarding their gas-guzzling private jets to find new ways to strip everyday citizens of even more rights (as impossible as that may seem).

Amazon founder and multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos, “President” Biden, the UK’s clown show, that includes Boris Johnson and the arrogant Prince Charles, who’s spent his entire life thumbing his nose at everyday Brits, joined wealthy CEOs and radical world leaders in Glasgow to decide how they can impose crippling tax burdens on citizens of free nations around the world, to fix the weather. MORE HERE

18 Comments on REPORT: Over 400 Gas-Guzzling Private Jets Carry Climate Change Frauds to COP26. Empty Planes Are Forced To Travel 30 Miles From Airport To Avoid Traffic Jam

  1. Brad, Celine Dion was getting ready to start a new residency at the new casino ‘Resorts World’ here in Vegas.
    She had to cancel the entire season due to “involuntary muscle spasms.”
    Word is she got the latest jab and now cannot perform.

    Just like the Nevada gov getting in a wreck while drunk last week, that info is buried deeper than Jimmy Hoffa.

  2. Seriously, Nevada governor Sisolak was involved in a car crash last week.
    On a police officer video-cam Sisolak is confused & incoherent.
    His wife asks the cop if she can “clean the trash out of their SUV.”
    The cop ACTUALLY LET HER!!!!
    Was it booze? Pot? Paraphernalia?
    No fucking doubt.
    Laws for thee…

  3. Again, those who attend these things are fully aware that Globaloney Warming is a Hoax – a great, world-wide scam to separate serfs from their dollars (Euros, Yen, Lira, Yuan, Pounds, whatever). This is why the aren’t ashamed of their blatant hypocrisies – they don’t see them as hypocrisies – they see them as part of the script. The fools and morons who follow in the wake are the real danger – they actually believe the stupid BULLSHIT – being too illiterate or too innumerate to figure out what everyone should know.

    The nihilists’ subversion of “education” was a coup of enormous proportions.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What a joke. More of do as I say not as I do. These scumbags have nothing better to do than to meddle in my life. They think they’re so GD important. It’s the same old story, move the goal posts and memory hole all the former hair on fire bullshit.

    Does 2 weeks to flatten the curve have a similar ring?

    I will own nothing and be happy. Fuck them.

  5. They have climbed up the social ranks, made their money, and are now kicking out the ladder for anyone else who wants to improve themselves through hard work NOT legal shuffling.

    $5.25 A GALLON for the little people to pay as these pigs just vote themselves higher pay and benefits.

  6. Hypocritical hypocrites living in hypocrisy! Do as we say not as we do. What’s good for us is bad for you! The global ruling class produce more carbon, use more energy, destroy more land in it’s natural state, use more resources, keep more of their wealth and care less about the planet than you and I. Yet people listen to them while they are the ones who are being enriched from all this.

  7. People bitch about $5.00 a gallon gas when the average price of one of those jets is upwards of 10 million, with a per hr. flight cost of around $2000.00 and up.
    Plus pilots, crew, etc.
    So suck it up, peasants!

  8. These people have enough money to buy themselves a “Carbon Neutral” certificate with a wave of the hand so they can jet-set around guilt-free!

    Special Dispensation has never been cheap, but when yer worth Billions ’tis but a scratch!


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