Eric Swalwell reportedly living the high life with campaign cash – IOTW Report

Eric Swalwell reportedly living the high life with campaign cash

BPR: Rep. Eric Swalwell reportedly spent thousands in campaign cash on sporting events, dining at fancy steakhouses, limos, liquor, and casinos in another example of how public servants live high off the hog after going to Washington.

According to FEC reports, the California Democrat has a taste for some of D.C.’s more expensive eateries, is a Washington Nationals fan, and uses the liquor delivery app Drizzly as well as Uber Eats in records reviewed by the Daily Caller.

The third quarter filing covering documents expenses from July 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2021 for Eric Swalwell for Congress, a list of 519 itemized disbursements for one of Nancy Pelosi’s top lieutenants as well as a reliable hysteric who is a fixture on MSNBC. read more

5 Comments on Eric Swalwell reportedly living the high life with campaign cash

  1. I live in NorCal. In an extremely conservative county. Swallowswell doesn’t live that far away. He strays. If I ever meet this faggot muther fucker I will encourage him to participate in a spirited debate. I’ve seen the little pussy puff up his chest and threaten women. Try that on me lil bitch.

  2. It’s all about the Benjamins. Always has been, always will be.
    The guys who truly GAF get out of politics because they can’t stand the filthy slime.
    The ones who remain are the grifters, corrupt-o-crats, thieves, liars, and sociopaths.

    Swalwell is one scum-sucking POS among many.

    izlamo delenda est …


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