Idiots In Cars – IOTW Report

Idiots In Cars

General Dispatch: Not a bird, not a plane… but a car! If you thought motorcycles were dangerous, wait until you see these people try to park! Road rage, ravage reverses, drive-in shopping in the worst kind of way, all of this relentless internal combustion chaos kindly brought to you by idiots in cars. Parallel parking has never been so dangerous, Oh and a quick PSA here: remember that your car’s bumper is not a vacuum cleaner, so it should be at least an inch off the ground. watch

9 Comments on Idiots In Cars

  1. I had to stop half way through, I just could not watch anymore.
    The idiots remind me of the little Chinese women (they are always Chinese in our city) who drive big white SUV’s and do not know how to merge into traffic or follow one-way directional signage, so end up going against the traffic flow.

  2. I’m guessing those folks standing around admiring a car fire have never seen how burning cars can explosively thrown things, like energy absorbers and hood props, or spray things like boiling battery acid, or pop things like tires that shoot molten rubber and chunks of rim VERY FORCEFULLY at onlookers (FLAMING rim, if it’s magnesium),or realize that ALL THAT SMOKE IS TOXIC AS FUCK AND WILL KILL YOU.

    Among other hazards.

    Nope, just keep videoing, my dude. Maybe it’s true about God protecting fools and young children. You might get lucky.

    Also, not sure what the setup was to the medic who almost got run down exiting a house, but one possibility is that his unit is off camera with flashing lights and dude was transfixed looking at THAT, and didn’t notice little details about the ROAD, like it CURVED. Not unusual and one reason why you place your unit to absorb the blows if someone doesn’t notice little things, like YOU, in front of him.

    People checking things out is a major cause of accidents. If you’ve ever wondered why BOTH sides of a highway get shut down when a helicopter comes in or there’s a big fire or something else crowd-pleasing going on on the OTHER side, it’s because “Looky Lous” will slow down on the OTHER side if you’re fool enough to leave it active, and look at the fun and NOT the car in front of them that ALSO slowed down, or possibly even STOPPED because of other traffic, or to take pictures, or a dozen OTHER things stupid people do at emergencies.

    This results in multiple and chain-reaction accidents on the UNINVOLVED side. Now you have to shut it down ANYWAY and go deal with THAT. And I can GUARENTEE it will be a mass-casualty incident that will strip the area of ambulances becasue every person who got their bumper tapped at <5 MPH will have severe neck pain for…some reason…


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