Does The Name Baba Dioum Strike A Familiar Note? – IOTW Report

Does The Name Baba Dioum Strike A Familiar Note?

Blue State Conservative: Dioum, 84, a Senegalese forestry engineer, authored one of the greatest insights into human nature during a 1968 speech in New Delhi on – of all things – Agricultural Development. “In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we’re taught.”

It’s amazing how much human nature can be revealed in a speech on agriculture conservation.

His summary observation reveals a compelling question. If we “understand only what we’re taught”, who is our “teacher”?

To instruct us all the way to “the end”, such an instructor would have to be our constant companion, every day, everywhere, anywhere, all the time – 24-7-365. Who could that be? Our parents oversee us 20 years or so; school teachers 6, 12, 18 years tops but, even then, for only a few hours daily and only for a fraction of the year. more here

11 Comments on Does The Name Baba Dioum Strike A Familiar Note?

  1. and we will understand only what we’re taught.”

    I see I’m second, UHHgain,,

    Without students exceeding the teachers ,society would not have grown, increased in knowledge and learned more than we were taught. It sounded all wise and shit,right up to last sentence. Then he exposed himself as a blowhard.

  2. Except…

    Mankind has the innate ability to deny and suppress even obvious knowledge (truth, facts) that he doesn’t like, in favor of the many lies and perversions he cherishes. That has skewed a whole lot of things that should have long been obvious to all, but aren’t.


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