The Prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial is scoring points…for Rittenhouse 🤣 – IOTW Report

The Prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial is scoring points…for Rittenhouse 🤣

10 Comments on The Prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial is scoring points…for Rittenhouse 🤣

  1. Be sure to have a few lawyers and a judge around when you have to defend yourself in your own home. I was charged with assault in my own NY home when I had to throw out a uninvited home invader, no gun involved. It was dropped much later in court, but required money and time. Only in America.

  2. Agreed, rich taylor. This prosecutor may appear to be stepping on rakes, but he is a devious, unscrupulous man who is successfully gaslighting public opinion and scoring points outside the courtroom.

    I would not be surprised to find out that the juror you referenced was a plant, purposely selected to tell that Jacob Blake joke at the right moment, thus allowing the prosecutor to grandstand and have him kicked off the jury.

    We laugh at this prosecutor’s apparent ineptitude at our own expense. And we are the only ones laughing, as the media will make sure the wider public never sees these prosecutorial self-owns, or others which may occur later.

  3. Why wouldn’t the prosecutor immediately stop and warn the juror before the joke proceeded past the first few words?? Didn’t the prosecutor recognize who was talking to him??

  4. @Deplorable 2nd Class

    The discourse was between the juror and the bailiff. It was not reported how the prosecutor found out, whether he overheard the joke from a distance or whether the bailiff rated out the juror.

  5. I believe the prosecutor has to be gob smacked. I’ve been following this with Crowder and when that FBI aerial footage was played, that was game, set and match.

    For over a year the state has been alleging that Kyle chased the pedo and the video clearly showed exactly the opposite. Kyle was being chased into an even larger crowd, immediately before he shot the pedo someone nearby fired a weapon, Kyle turned and Rosenbaum(who has nearly caught up with Kyle) clearly says fuck you.

    If you haven’t seen it, check it out.

    Further, I’ve seen at least 3 times the judge has told the prosecutor he was full of shit(in so many words). Now I know defense hasn’t started their case so they might get some dressings down but so far, the prosecution looks in over their heads.


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