Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs: End OSHA – IOTW Report

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs: End OSHA

AZ Congressman Andy Biggs discusses his bill to fight back against OSHA medical regulations scheduled to take place in January 2022. – The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris.

9 Comments on Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs: End OSHA

  1. C’mon Biggs. Don’t be a small thinker.

    OSHA was a gift from Richard Nixon to FDR’s Department of Labor. OSHA is just another appendage of the communist deep state. Rip DOL out by the roots.

    Full disclosure. I worked at DOL/OSHA when I attended college at George Washington University back in the 1970s. The only reason I got the gig was that I had done some other liberal activist stuff back then. It was a horribly unfulfilling experience and I spent a great amount of my time smoking doobies on the roof. Great view.

    But I’m all better now. No doobies. No liberal politics.

    Seriously. Abolish the entire Department. It’s total junk. It serves no purpose whatsoever.

  2. In my experience of 21 years of working on telephones OSHA was nothing but a bunch of clipboard retards who stood in the way of work. Bell didn’t give a tinker’s fucking cuss about OSHA’s bullshit, and were not shy about telling them to fuck off.

    Bell had its own standards concerning safety.

    “No job is so important and no service is so urgent-that we cannot take time to perform our work safely.”

    And of course we were trained to do the jobs safely.

    OSHA was the arm of the Federal Government who chased extension cords that were ugly, and made sure our hardhats weren’t out of date.

    Now they are actively killing us with vax bullshit.

  3. I can’t tell you how many times OSHA threatened to throw me off a site.


    “Touch me, or my shit, and I’ll bust your fucking head open. I have no problem leaving. But you will not “throw me” out.”

    “I’ll kick you out!”

    “Kicking is touching, and I’ll bust your fucking head open, do it.”

    “I’ll ask you to leave!”


  4. Ah OSHA. Especially CalOsha. Use to be knee deep in the fucking idiots. OSHA is an organization of special interest Government employees, born elsewhere, with no fucking education deciding how we should keep all our fingers in a modern work environment. Foooor example. Modern CNC equipment. Can’t open the work enclosure when the machine running. Really? Sometime you just gotta know where you fucked up. Every CNC Manufacture in California includes a work around. Fucking Morons. And most of these Morons I’ve been exposed to are Russian. Not really a shocker. Mexs comments while being trained where “que”. Ur outa here. I had a lifting bud back in the day. Turns out his bitch wife was a high up retard in CalOsha. She hated my guts. Like most people do. LOL. Pretty sure that bitch brought down the shit on me. Caught one of the assholes coming through the back of our building once. Told her she was trespassing on a Government Contractors property and she had to leave. I had to physically stop Olga. She left, but she was pissed. Damn I’m glad those days are over. Got lots more stories fuckers so be careful what you type. LOL

  5. By the time these people do anything everyone will have been bullied into a choice. Most likely get jabbed or lose everything.
    Like our Legislature. The weak R’s finally do something but instead of introducing legislation last Spring they just introduced bills. Most will be rejected and never heard. Another ripe opportunity to say they tried and remain losers.

  6. karasioux NOVEMBER 5, 2021 AT 8:55 PM

    “Yeah, not gonna log in to listen, sorry. Just one more thing that wants to track me.”

    Hit play as soon as the page comes up. It plays for me.


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