Oregon: 8th county votes to join Idaho – IOTW Report

Oregon: 8th county votes to join Idaho


By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

2021 Election Update:   On election night, November 2nd, Harney County became the 8th Oregon county to approve a plan that works towards moving the County out of Oregon and into a Greater Idaho territory.

The measure passed with 63% of the vote. The other counties that have passed similar measures are Baker, Grant, Jefferson, Lake, Malheur, Sherman and Union County. more

11 Comments on Oregon: 8th county votes to join Idaho

  1. It’d be a good idea for Idaho to get Eastern Washington’s farmland while they’re at it. Imagine the map THEN. It would be a powerful State.

    The remaining parcel could be renamed to the “State of Shithole.”

  2. If it does happen, I’ll be shifting my LOC about a hunnert miles south of here.
    I dunno how the F the timber and Com Fishers that support the county, support the commies that gov Lincoln County . . .?

  3. When this pops up on local news sites the Lefties tell all the Qanons and Trumpsters to move there. Why? Western WA and OR are sick of subsidizing the eastern side of the state. The Western side pays high taxes so the Eastern side can have roads, bridges and snow removal. It goes round and round like that every time.

  4. read up on the succession of WVA. they formed a ‘Restored Gov’t’ & the ‘Restored Gov’t’ voted to succeed from VA. … SCOTUS decided it was legit

    any county considering to leave any state needs to study up on the factors involved & the avenues available … it’s not just cut-&-dried as it seems

    “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”

  5. They might be able to add Douglas County, but good luck getting Jackson and Josephine counties; since marijuana growing was legalized, too many shitheads have moved in, turning the south end of the state purple to blue.


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