Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” Are Cell and Gene Therapy and The Public Would Not Have Agreed to Take Them If It Were Not for the “Pandemic” – IOTW Report

Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” Are Cell and Gene Therapy and The Public Would Not Have Agreed to Take Them If It Were Not for the “Pandemic”

TheExposeUK: At this year’s World Health Summit Stefan Oelrich, President of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, gave a truly eye-opening speech revealing how the so-called “experts” think and quite frankly, taking his speech in the round, it’s chilling.

Every October, the World Health Summit draws international “experts” from academia, politics, the private sector, and civil society to Berlin.  The 13th World Health Summit was held in Berlin over the 3 days 24 – 26 October 2021.  There were 67 sessions with 377 speakers involving 6,000 participants from 120 nations.  The Summit’s partners include: Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, Wellcome, Biogen, Novartis, Bayer and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Not many will be surprised that another speaker at the Summit was Rick Bright, Senior Vice President Pandemic Prevention and Response at The Rockefeller Foundation and, of course, Bill Gates was glaringly in attendance.

Ignoring the unprecedented injury, illness and death Covid injections are causing worldwide and gaslighting its victims, Oelrich begins: “This past year the life sciences have really emerged as the light in the darkness of the Covid-19 pandemic. Its value to society recognised to a degree rarely seen before, certainly not during my lifetime or at least working in this industry. We have many reasons to be proud of it … I think unprecedented collaboration, transparency but also taking accountability for health across all different sectors and stakeholders.”more

17 Comments on Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” Are Cell and Gene Therapy and The Public Would Not Have Agreed to Take Them If It Were Not for the “Pandemic”

  1. “Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, Wellcome, Biogen, Novartis, Bayer and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”
    The new world MAFIA, armed with the power of Congress, CDC, & WHO.

  2. This sanctimonious, self serving garden slug of a human being actually said: …..”but also taking accountability for health across all different sectors and stakeholders.”

    The vaccine manufacturers have NO accountability whatsoever because all liability they should be accountable for was waived by the crooked scum in congress. And I fail to comprehend how dying from this experimental Frankenstein formula is an improvement to anyone’s health except the bank accounts of the elitist snobs pushing this crap on people.

    All these people really are satanic, sociopathic, psychopathic scum. They know that people are dropping like flies directly from the Jonestown jab and they have to celebrate and make sure the unwashed masses they are killing are aware of just how wonderful their pretending to be God “science” is for humanity. The magnitude of this devious evil may be unmatched in history.

  3. Another bombshell from The Expose:

    “CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women, as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in MISCARRIAGE following Covid-19 Vaccination”

    Handy-dandy population control, ain’t it?

  4. Bubba’s Brother, by listening to him and knowing their agenda I think he means that in a sinister away. Taking accountability I believe he means they’re controlling the health to get rid of enough humans to sustain the earth.
    If anyone still honestly believes they injected something to keep them from getting covid, less symptoms from covid, not die from covid this should show them that is not what you’ve done.

  5. Just curious, what is the fucking purpose of bots?
    China has so many peasants that they have nothing better to do?
    Is Bill Gates behind this shit?
    I just don’t get it?

    I do KNOW that China wants to rule the world and need to be DESTROYED before they roll right over our snowflake asses…

  6. So now we know population control is not a conspiracy theory.
    Notice they want to make sure there’s “long term” birth control in low and middle income women world wide.

    The mad scientists always end up spilling the beans. Ego prevents keeping it quiet.


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