Is Carbon really a pollutant? – IOTW Report

Is Carbon really a pollutant?

People are beginning to realize the lies of the left are being exposed on a daily basis. 

20 Comments on Is Carbon really a pollutant?

  1. Tell any libtards if they think carbon is a pollutant and a threat to Gaya they should just off themselves right now since they are mostly carbon (after oxygen and hydrogen are removed via dehydration).

  2. Dewey’s subversion of education was a stunning success.
    In less than 100 years we declined from a working Republic to a Usurped Tyranny – and 38% of us (more than 1/3, some 125 Million of us) perceive nothing amiss – with the Usurper or the Dempanic Hoax or Globaloney Warming Hoax or the radicalized indoctrination system we call “education.”
    That’s a LOT of fuckin MORONS!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Like the mean says “we are the carbon they want to reduce.”

    I am in MD PhD. I used to follow global warming very closely. But it is impossible to argue with these fanatic’s. I was at a large global warming conference several years ago in Las Vegas. Michael Mann himself was giving a presentation. During the Q&A session I stood up and asked them how they accounted for all the carbon that is vented from volcanoes. They looked me in the eye and said that that was a rare occurrence. Which caused a stir in an audience full of geologists. However I remind him that the Mariana’s trench is over 1000 miles long and is mostly made up of active volcanoes that vent into the water and then that gas escapes off the top of the ocean into the atmosphere. That caught him and the other panelists off guard however they recouped quickly. They looked audience of over thousand people right in the eye and they said that “the carbon dioxide produced by a volcano is different than the carbon dioxide produced by your car.” That caused quite a stir in the audience. This is the level of hubris that we have to deal with. These people can make up shit right off the top of their heads and are never challenged about it.

  4. ” asked them how they accounted for all the carbon that is vented from volcanoes.”

    Exactly!!!! I’ve been asking Libtards that question for a couple years now. The look at you like a deer in the head lights. Now do forest fires.
    Libtards by definition do not think. They regurgitate.

  5. The woke anti-carbon marxist ideology is a direct satanic attack against life.
    Satan hates God’s creation – especially man. What a diabolical plot. Convince people the very thing that keeps them alive is a polutant/poison so they will eventually self destruct.
    Too many people, especially Millennials, Gen X and Z believe this lie. The real science based on God’s design absolutely debunks the left’s evil carbon conspiracy.

  6. Haven’t come across too many Libtard DildoCrat EcoNazis in my neck of the woods.
    BUT…..I would ask him/her/it/them, “do you want to live on a dead desert planet? CO2 is natural plant food, they inhale it. And they return O2 for us to breath. Reduce the CO2, kill the plants. Kill the plants, reduce the O2. Reduce the O2, kill the people. If that’s what you really want, start by “offing” yourself. As for automobile exhaust, there’s some CO2 in there, but a lot more nitrogen oxides that are the real pollutants and irritants.”

  7. NO!
    Fuck No!
    Definitely not!

    And, What does this mean about Diamonds. Do You Have to pay a CARBON TAX on Crystal Carbon?

    Will we be banning Wedding Rings made on Diamond?

  8. Carbon Dioxide IS THE up and coming next generation refrigerant. It runs at VERY High pressure.

    The Industry Banned R-12, & R-22, and R-502 as being Global warming Refrigerants.

    The NEW STUFF they are using for supermarkets is Carbon Dioxide so how the fuck can the Suck & Blow at the same time.

  9. “I am in MD PhD.”
    “But it is impossible to argue with these fanatic’s.”

    You serious? Is English your second language? I agree with your premise, but your command of the language should make some suspicious – unless your PhD didn’t require any English Comprehension – which is possible, I guess.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. If CO2 is supposed to cause warming, how is it used in gaseous state via fire extinguishers to put out fires by removing the heat? Likewise, how does it in its solidified version super freeze on contact as dry ice?


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