Marine Corps Commandant Blames Vaccine Disinformation For Possibility of Losing 12,500 Troops From Marine Corp Ranks – IOTW Report

Marine Corps Commandant Blames Vaccine Disinformation For Possibility of Losing 12,500 Troops From Marine Corp Ranks

CTH: There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation”.  There is only information you accept and information you do not accept.

You were not born with a requirement to believe everything you are told; rather, you were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive and make independent decisions.

Today, the Marine Corps Commandant blames ‘disinformation‘ for the fact that 12,500 marines are still refusing the vaccination and may end up departing military service if they do not comply.  The essential ranks once again defined as non-essential over their healthy and free choice not to take an experimental vaccine for a virus that poses no significant threat. more here

15 Comments on Marine Corps Commandant Blames Vaccine Disinformation For Possibility of Losing 12,500 Troops From Marine Corp Ranks

  1. God bless them and all the other people willing to stand against this tyranny.

    I am saddened by some people I know, and a few family members, that took a victim’s position and said they HAD to get the shot.

    My lefty friends were eager to get them. I see a slight, but meaningless, difference between the two. I don’t want any of them to die, but that’s out of my hands.

    The lefty friends don’t even have a clue what’s going on. Typical CNN MSNBC zombies. As soon as I point out any truth they have some pat answer ready in their holster and don’t honestly contemplate anything outside the pre-approved lefty group think that has come over the airwaves.

    I can actually tell them what they are about to say if I know what the latest push is from CNN and the others.

    Occasionally I am able to get across to them with non-political scientific links that back up my point. That gives me hope with them. They aren’t bad people, they just support America-destroying things with what they think are good intentions.


  2. Burner NOVEMBER 9, 2021 AT 5:15 PM

    ^^^ assuming they answer the call.
    (To WW3 <- added by Do4)

    More like a matter of self defense. You'll have a definite 12,000 plus capable, experienced fighters when it matters most. Not even touching what's available in the population already, just saying – they aren't useless. Just re-positioned.

    The "call" will be: Do I fight back what's in my face, or just succumb and suffer a rudderless fate?

    It'll be an individual calling.

    I predict a great multitude are capable of resisting this in a meaningful way. Even many Democrats will show up on this side. Sometimes truth just blasts through the BS and common sense actually reigns.

    Unfortunately, an even greater multitude will support the destroyers to the very end because they are fearful creatures who do not know God. Some of them, maybe 20%, just are hateful people that want to set the world on fire.

  3. CMC is there because he is WOKE. As the great AT article of 13 months ago documented 2 WOKE Presidents named GEORGE have been promoting 06 to “flag” based on how WOKE they are/were!

    And this year VDH has pointed out many times at Am. Great. the Pentagon is totally WOKE! SAD BUT TRUE! Read his “Who is our Military’s Enemy” to confirm what AT said last Oct!

    Disclaimer, late but — I have been conservative for over 70 years; I NEVER VOTED FOR GWB. I ADMIT MY BIAS!

    Go Don!

  4. USMC ’69-’73
    The utter incompetence of the entire Joint Chief’s of Staff was reflected during the Afghanistan cowardly and deadly retreat.
    These so called leaders (Perfumed Political Princes of the Pentagon) are too far removed from the Warriors who do our county’s bidding with their body and blood.
    The 12,500 loyal Marines to be ram rodded out of the Marine Corps are at least free from incompetent political military leaders like General Berger.
    Berger is a permanent stain upon the Honor of the Marine Corps that will be recorded in the History of the Corps.
    If you don’t stand up for your Marines, you stand for nothing, but self.

  5. Wait until the Marines who bent over for the Jab will have to force their spouse and children to get the jab when that mandate comes down from the Perfumed Princes.
    General Berger, you may feel secure fucking with your Marines, but don’t fuck with their family, there will be hell to pay.


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