Newsmax and Twitter Suspend Emerald Robinson for Vaccine Wrongthink – IOTW Report

Newsmax and Twitter Suspend Emerald Robinson for Vaccine Wrongthink

CTH: Comrades, Emerald Robinson is a journalist who works for Newsmax as a White House corespondent.  However, Emerald Robinson is also a free thinker who challenges communal orthodoxy and rebels against groupthink.  In short, Mrs. Robinson is a subversive voice who refused to correct her thoughts and become a stenographer for the regime. more

31 Comments on Newsmax and Twitter Suspend Emerald Robinson for Vaccine Wrongthink

  1. PS

    Tuns been gone a long time.

    Have to drink my barleywine at home. Jarheads were all drunks centuries ago. Been such myself many times. Why I could not carry Harry to the ferry. tonight just try not to face plant

  2. You have the Pfizer CEO saying anyone spreading misinformation(truth they don’t want revealed) are criminals. Then they post a creepy meme the same day.
    You have the CDC and other government cronies complaining about “misinformation.”
    You have the Surgeon General saying they may make it mandatory even for companies with under 100 employees and are also now saying again postal workers are not exempt.
    You have social media suspending you, removing your posts, if you post anything not praising the death jabs.

    Even if you haven’t researched mRna or listened to all the people who have had family members die, including teens, this alone should scare any rational thinking person away from the death jab.

  3. Controlled Opposition. Textbook example.

    And ORWW, about that creepy meme: Note the sweat drop, on BRAIN, when SCIENCE grabs it from behind. That meme is just begging to be relabeled as BIDEN, CHILD and MOMMY. Pfizer is just plain evil. Stupid, though.

  4. Gotta love that Emerald. She’s a real gem!

    As for Newsmax, I will delete them off my Roku lineup once again. First time I deleted them was after their craven bootlicker bullshit after the Jan 6 FBI False Flag Op.

  5. Beachmom, yeah Pfizer wanting those of us who don’t want their death jab and share the truth of their death jab to be jailed. They call us criminals. The same Pfizer that was fined millions of dollars for their science.

    Thirdtwin, my first thought was science is screwing you, which Pfizer is slapping you in the face with.

  6. Up is down and wrong is right.

    The First Amendment has been sodomized right there in Pelosi’s Temple of Democracy. Your freedoms of speech and worship were restricted in those first 15 days.

    We’ll see if/how the Second Amendment will be defended.

  7. I started watching Newsmax after Fox News went nuts so and trying to work in present in neglect dip shit as often as I could. But eventually, even Newsmax started calling him that and started referring to him as president after the election was stolen and so on. I’ve gotten to the point where I watch and listen to no news. I will occasionally watch a tucker Carlson or some of the other things and just a YouTube summar or I look at sites such as this and

  8. Something seems to be going wrong on this area when I try to post things. I will have it just about finished and then there is a refresh and everything goes blank and I have to start all over I don’t know what the heck is going on.

  9. Stopped watching most of Fox after traitors called Arizona way too early. Can’t stand Brett Baer Neil Cavallo Sandra Smith, and so many. So we switch to Newsmax with high hopes. I will only watch a few shows there now after their choice to suspend Emerald. Way less tv, more reading in our future.

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