Alec Baldwin Movie ‘Rust’ Crew Member Bitten by Spider, May Lose Arm – IOTW Report

Alec Baldwin Movie ‘Rust’ Crew Member Bitten by Spider, May Lose Arm

Neon Nettle-

Alec Baldwin’s movie “Rust” has been his with yet another tragedy as a crew member may lose his arm after being bit by a venomous spider on set.

Pipe rigger Jason Miller has been hospitalized and faces losing his arm after an encounter with a brown recluse spider – one of the world’s most venomous arachnids.

The crew member was working to shut down the production of Baldwin’s movie when the incident occurred.

Miller has reportedly undergone surgery following the injury in the hope of saving his limb.

As a result of the bite, however, doctors may be forced to amputate the arm. more

14 Comments on Alec Baldwin Movie ‘Rust’ Crew Member Bitten by Spider, May Lose Arm

  1. How long did the crew member wait between being bitten, and seeking medical attention? I know that brown recluse are nasty, but necrosis THAT quick?
    Best of luck to the crew member, and I hope he keeps his arm.

  2. “How long did the crew member wait between being bitten, and seeking medical attention?”

    It takes time to get that far damage-wise. There was obviously no immediate medical attention and I can understand that to a point.

    The reason being – the bite is painless. You have no idea you were bitten until you start having a problem some time later.

    Some people are the type to ignore what looks like a little injury thinking it will go away on it’s own.

    As rare as Recluse bites are, I can understand the bitee not knowing what was happening at first.

  3. A family friend was bitten on the big toe while putting on his boots. The venom got into the bloodstream and he went blind, among other unpleasant things. He recovered, mostly, but was only able to regain partial sight.

  4. The Baldwin Curse!

    Seriously, wouldn’t it be funny is one day as Ass-lick Baldwin was walking down the street a Baldwin Grand Piano Fell out of a window and flattened him Bugs Bunny Style?

    Man, those cartoons were funny and educational.


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