Presidential Candidate Wants ‘France to Remain French’ – IOTW Report

Presidential Candidate Wants ‘France to Remain French’

Summit News: The hot topic of replacement migration cropped up yet again during a television debate in France, when a challenging presidential candidate attempting to win the Republican ticket said he wanted ‘France to remain French’.

The statement was made by French MP Éric Ciotti, who was the only Republican candidate not to shy away from using the term “Great Replacement” to describe how Muslim immigration has changed France.

“Sixty-seven percent of French and 84 percent of Republicans use the term ‘Great Replacement,” Ciotti said in the debate on television channel LCI, referring to a poll by Harris Interactive which found that the majority of French citizens thought “white and Christian populations are being threatened with extinction (via) Muslim immigration.” more

9 Comments on Presidential Candidate Wants ‘France to Remain French’

  1. At some point the guilt-ridden (Western) whites are going to have to realize what damage their unwarranted guilt is causing society, and take a stand against the destructive, self-loathing whites and blacks who want to inflict their self-hatred upon the rest of us relatively contented Americans.

  2. That’s a bit circular, Stirrin.

    I’m not being a shite, I’m just saying “guilt”, unwarranted, or not, IS “self loathing”. They are, at the core, destructive.

  3. Let me be the one to say it: Yes it’s to late for France and good old USA as well. That boat sailed to far now for to long over deepest of waters. No matter how many patches we will try to stops all the leaks, the hull is just to rotten now. Let it sink, or better help it sink so we can start building new one.
    And no it’s not quitting, I’m simply to old to keep rowing especially when there’s still nothing on the horizon, hope can keep you afloat just for so long.
    Let’s go Brandon
    Fuck Joe Biden.


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