What Le Hell?: Kamala does France – IOTW Report

What Le Hell?: Kamala does France

Badly. Yikes.


Kamala’s Cringe Show Hits the Road.

Patriot Retort:
This week Kamala Harris took her Cringe Show on the road to France. And now Joe Biden has another reason to apologize to Emmanuel Macron.

Did you see the video of Kamala’s Cringe Show at the Pasteur Institute?

24 Comments on What Le Hell?: Kamala does France

  1. We always thought she was a nothing, but she’s surprising even us.

    This says MOUNTAINS about California politics that this airhead tramp could survive public scruitiny and become their senator.

    Whores who have it good should be careful what they wish for.

  2. I dread the day when Kamala ‘The Happy Hooker’ Harris is installed in the White House. She’s a screw-up as Vice-President so she should be a monumental screw-up as President.

  3. “You don’t get a round mouth by eating square meals.”

    And Kamel-Ho Harris has the roundest mouth since Pete Buttigieg.
    She belongs in France (along with John Kerry) – maybe they’ll put her in the Zoo as an example of the rare and ubiquitous (at least in France) “suceur de coq.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They were going to make a movie of her trip to France and call it “Kamala Does Paris”. But then they realized that it would be no different than “Debbie Does Dallas”

  5. Commiela has the aptitude and attitude of a 13 year old tweener.

    Seriously my daughter was far more articulate, self aware, and self possessed at 10 than this silly bitch is as “adult”.

    I’m convinced she’s just so naturally stupid and insecure that any scrutiny of her causes her to immediately flail her hands around and talk to people like they are toddlers.

    They are obviously working hard on that juvenile cackle but she’s compensating by now talking like a dimwitted child.

    If she says “and I just love that” one more time I’m gonna hurl.

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