Were Red States Targeted With The Deadliest Batches of COVID Jabs? – IOTW Report

Were Red States Targeted With The Deadliest Batches of COVID Jabs?

If so, who ordered the hit?

TheExposeUK: INVESTIGATION – Deadliest batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines were disproportionally sent to red Republican states across the USA.

On October 31st we exclusively revealed how an investigation of the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) found extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified.

That investigation also led to the discovery that 130 different lot numbers of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine distributed to more than 13 states, harmed on average 639 times more people, hospitalised on average 109 times more people, and killed on average 22 times more people than the 4,289 different lt number of Pfizer vaccine distributed to 12 states or less.

However, the most shocking finding of the investigation was that 100% of Covid-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS with identified lot numbers had been caused by just 5% of the batches produced. But the deeply troubling findings don’t end there, because we decided to conduct further analysis of the VAERS data on the Covid-19 vaccines, and we’ve discovered that the majority of the deadliest batches were clearly sent to Republican controlled red states across the USA. MORE

h/t joe6pak.

13 Comments on Were Red States Targeted With The Deadliest Batches of COVID Jabs?

  1. If they had bad doses and were sending them somewhere intentionally it would be red states. But to play devils advocate, more Dems than Republicans get the jab, so they would be killing more dem voters just making red states more red. Not sure the logic plays out on this story, but the left is far more vindictive than they are logical… so maybe.

  2. @Onginer
    I’m sure they are just trying to raise the death rates in red States, so they can point at their policies say they aren’t working.
    They don’t care who they kill as long as it isn’t their selves. Do we get it Yet?

  3. If you think this “targeting” is confined to vaxcine batches, WAKE UP! America faces at least three more years of Obama’s Revenge aimed at Conservatives and Republicans in every aspect of daily life.

  4. In collaboration with the vile and known racist Communist Chinese, greed-saturated globalists, deep state cultists, and big phake pharma the pedophile Brandiden peeing in his drawers has schemed and plotted to kill off as many Americans as possible—including dispensing inappropriate vaxx doses to young children to prevent them from reproducing or to kill them.

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