CDC: No Record of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19 – IOTW Report

CDC: No Record of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19

NTD– The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says it has no record of people who are naturally immune transmitting the virus that causes COVID-19.

The federal health agency was asked during the fall by a lawyer on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network for documents “reflecting any documented case of an individual who: (1) never received a COVID-19 vaccine; (2) was infected with COVID-19 once, recovered, and then later became infected again; and (3) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person when reinfected.”

SARS-CoV-2 is another name for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19.

Persons who recover from COVID-19 are also known as naturally immune. MORE

11 Comments on CDC: No Record of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19

  1. Basically they are saying they don’t know because they never asked.

    I hope and pray that whomever takes the country back in 24 disbands these commie agencies and removes the remaining alphabets to red states.

    Until we break up the concentration of oligarchs in DC we will never be free.

  2. Please pray for my co-worker, Doug H. He’s an industrial mechanic and also a part-time Police Officer and a father, plus he does a lot here and he’s a gruff but good man, and almost never misses a day.

    He was out with the Coof.

    Now he’s been admitted to ICU.

    Pray he survives modern medicine and modern politics, and that the Lord blesses him with healing and strength, and his doctors with skill and compassion.

    Thank you and God Bless,

  3. Cisco Kid: “Basically they are saying they don’t know because they never asked.”

    I don’t believe for a second that they don’t know the answer to that question. THEY FUCKING KNOW — they just can’t and won’t admit it.

  4. I would have preferred to do the Chicken Pox party thing in February 2020, but I’m sure I had the Chinese Biological Weapon Already & recovered in 3 Days.

    Fuck Turdeau
    Lets Go Brandon
    and Fuck that Satanic POPE TOO!


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