NJ Sen.-Elect Ed Durr: ‘Stronger’ Red Wave Coming in 2022 – IOTW Report

NJ Sen.-Elect Ed Durr: ‘Stronger’ Red Wave Coming in 2022


Sen.-elect Ed Durr, the New Jersey Republican truck driver who defeated Democrat Senate President Steve Sweeney in a shocking upset in last week’s election, told Breitbart News Saturday he will be “dangerous” to Gov. Phil Murphy’s (D) policies and predicted that “there is going to be a stronger [red] wave coming” in 2022.

Durr, who rose to political stardom after defeating Sweeney, spoke about his campaign and emphasized it “wasn’t about me” but the people who have had their rights “trampled upon over the course of the last two years.”

“It has gotten to the point that the people have stepped up and said enough is enough,” he said, detailing his background as a truck driver and describing himself as a “regular guy” who wanted to make a difference. more

8 Comments on NJ Sen.-Elect Ed Durr: ‘Stronger’ Red Wave Coming in 2022

  1. It doesn’t hurt that the D’s uber-kewl “Rock the Vote!” leaders are on life support and don’t know any contemporary music to go along with their rallies. IDK, but if I was an average Democrat right now with the party choices they’ve got, I’d stay home or throw the ballot in the recycler. Or vote R.

    They can cry me a river.

  2. Well, Mr. Durr had better stop bending over to CAIR for telling the truth about their leader, Mohammed. Any 50 year old man who “marries” a 6 year old and “consummates” the “marriage” when she’s 9 meets the definition of a pedophile. If he starts giving in now, before he’s even been sworn in, he has no hope of any kind of “red wave” except the trickle from his hinder parts from being repeatedly ga ng raped by the grievancemob.


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