Ferguson police chief says there is no record of Rep. Cori Bush’s claim protesters were routinely shot at during 2014 protests – IOTW Report

Ferguson police chief says there is no record of Rep. Cori Bush’s claim protesters were routinely shot at during 2014 protests

PM: Rep. Cori Bush weighed in on the Kyle Rittenhouse case today, just as she did last year when the shooting first happened – and appeared to insinuate that in the event of Rittenhouse’s acquittal, it would send a message emboldening white supremacists she claimed shot at her protest group in Ferguson.

In a tweet that garnered swift backlash, Bush wrote, “When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide behind a hill near where Michael Brown Jr. was murdered and shoot at us.”

“They never faced consequences,” she added. “If Kyle Rittenhouse gets acquitted, it it tells them that even 7 years later they can still get away with it.”

Bush is an activist who rose to prominence during the Ferguson riots and was eventually elected to public office.

Asked about more information about the alleged incidents of white supremacists shooting at protesters, a spokesperson for her campaign issued a statement on Monday night to STL Dispatch, doubling down on the Democrat representative’s earlier claim.

“While on the frontlines of the Ferguson Uprising, Congresswoman Bush and other activists were shot at by white supremacist vigilantes. The question we need to ask is why white supremacists feel empowered to open-carry rifles, incite violence, and put Black lives at risk across our country,” the spokesperson said.

The use of the claim “vigilante” is an apparent reference to the Rittenhouse trial. Rittenhouse is on trial for the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and the wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz, whom he shot on the night of August 25, 2020.

In response to Bush’s claim, Ferguson Police Chief Frank McCall Jr. told the publication that there were no records of any such incident in which vigilantes, white supremacists or otherwise had shot at protesters in 2014. more

11 Comments on Ferguson police chief says there is no record of Rep. Cori Bush’s claim protesters were routinely shot at during 2014 protests

  1. Rumor has it she changed her name from Smelly Bush to Corey. Who knows. But now she wants to eliminate LE funding but spend 500K a year on her personal protection. OK. That fat bitch ain’t worth a couple quarters. Fuck off Aunt Jemima.

  2. All those damn squadsters want to defund the police, but then spend 10’s of thousands on personal security. Somehow that money needs to come out of personal funds, and I’m not talking about campaign funds.

  3. Loco

    Ya think? How many lies did they push. It’s not at all surprising they with held evidence. If Kyle gets off, Lock and Load. The violence will not just occur in Kenosha. The bastards are just looking for an excuse, and negotiations ended long ago. We need to take the fight to them. They’ll dig it. Tired of fucking around with these pussies.

  4. The Honorable Representative and lyin’ nigger bitch… Cori Bush. There is a reason why segregation existed. Just look at how the black democrats behave. They’re fucking demonic. They regularly engage in calumny and violence just to abuse others, often for not fucking good reason; not even for themselves. Animals have more sense than ghetto coons. Why the fuck does this country put up with this shit? No Asian nor Muslim country does. It’s just white countries that put up with this shit. Even black Africans deals better with their trash blacks than the US does.

  5. That’s sad … the rioters should have been mowed down like grass.
    Bush is a typical pol – her racial characteristics have nothing to do with her dishonesty, sanctimony, race-baiting, privilege, and delusions of adequacy. If she wasn’t such an egregious liar she’d probably be dumpster diving for dinner, sucking cox for shots of muscatel, or otherwise gainfully employed.

    izlamo delenda est …


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