Gibraltar, The Most VAXXED Nation on Earth Just Canceled Christmas Over ‘Exponential Rise’ in Covid Cases – IOTW Report

Gibraltar, The Most VAXXED Nation on Earth Just Canceled Christmas Over ‘Exponential Rise’ in Covid Cases

Liberty Daily: How do we know mainstream media will cancel all mentions of the nation of Gibraltar for the foreseeable future? Because their extreme Covid vaccination protocols have utterly failed to prevent a massive spike in cases and hospitalizations. This betrays the narrative they’ve been ordered to propagate, so Gibraltar is officially a taboo topic for the press. The nation averages 2.79 doses of Covid-19 jabs administered per person. more

8 Comments on Gibraltar, The Most VAXXED Nation on Earth Just Canceled Christmas Over ‘Exponential Rise’ in Covid Cases

  1. First they cry ‘shut up’. Then they put in the ball gag. Then they shoot you in the head. Leftists, the same from 1789 through today. The ideology of death, disguised by unicorns and kittens with mittens, fairy dust and stern looking ladies in black with umbrellas.

  2. I find myself in a mandatory 14-day quarantine from work because my wife got covid from a FULLY “VACCINATED” co-worker who had kids at home with the virus. The fauchi-ite had the gall to tell my wife that she was vaccinated so “there was no chance” she gave it to her, that is until on the same day she also tested positive for the virus.

    I’ve got to hand it to the Left/Communists/low-life degenerates/etc. that they’ve done an exceptional job in completely turning a good segment of the world into complete knuckle-dragging idiots. Even when presented with facts that the jab is doing more harm than good and that the spread is INCREASING commensurate with “vaccination” rates, they bleat on about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

    Jesus – you can back any time now.

  3. Yeah, the world-wide pandemic is all fake huh? Maybe taking fake ivermectin will fix it huh? Maybe break-thru cases are showing us something, like another mutation of the virus. Easy to complain, hard to fix. You have a nice holiday, whats happening there will be here soon.

  4. Hey Anonymous –

    My family was just fine until hordes of zombie assholes, like yourself, elected to be guinea pigs in the world’s largest medical experiment. Why don’t you beg your savior Fauchi for a therapy that actually works rather than pushing a gene therapy that doesn’t work and makes people even more virulent.

    But I digress. This is the way of the world now and it will come to a head. Either way, enjoy that poison in your veins and for your sake, hopefully there are not too many complications in your future.


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