Canada: 7-year-old refused critical medical care over valid mask exemption – IOTW Report

Canada: 7-year-old refused critical medical care over valid mask exemption

Rebel News: In wake of the medical pandemonium throughout the “global pandemic,” and due to indiscriminate COVID 19 policies and procedures, those not suffering from a respiratory illness have seen complete disregard of a balanced medical approach.

In this heartbreaking story, I feature mom Hailey relaying her tragic interactions with the Canadian medical system while trying to advocate for her 7-year-old son, Zander. With a complete fracture of his shoulder (his humerus bone), he has been on the receiving end of dehumanizing treatment as though he is some sort of inherent danger — a disease vector — all because he is medically exempt from wearing a mask as per a note from his specialist. more here

7 Comments on Canada: 7-year-old refused critical medical care over valid mask exemption

  1. No pandemic in the history of the world ever called for total despotism and cruel abuses against any nation’s citizenry. Two years ago was the first of its kind and was schemed, plotted, and executed with precision by the world’s fiends.

  2. We are seeing it here in America as well with the madness created by the Chyna virus and the power hungry fanatical bureaucrats and drug companies. Forcing “vaccinations” that really aren’t vaccinations at all and that are far more dangerous than the virus itself for most people is not only bad medicine, but inhumane as well. And now the corrupt medical / govt. establishment is going to force it 5 year olds and soon even infants will be required to get the Jonestown jab.

    We see stories of transplant patients being denied life saving treatment because they wouldn’t take the death jab (which likely would finish them off anyway) among many other medical travesties. The doctors and nurses that do speak out are horribly persecuted for telling the truth and threatened (or worse) with destroying their careers.

    Somewhere down the line, our medical system has generally become evil and violated its most basic oaths to become an inhumane cog in the gears that are powering the global descent into communism. These people are destroying any credibility and good will that the public has invested in them over decades for the lowly sum of 30 pieces of silver and a pat on the head from the elites that have no real use for them. They seem oblivious to the fact that if the communists do gain full power that they will be among the first put against the wall.

  3. Another case of submit or die dictates these power drunk commies are pushing.
    Trump exposed the swampiness of not just our politicians but politicians around the world.
    A virus with very high survival rates is let loose by China and they all saw a chance to move quickly and use fear and the propaganda media to grab power.
    They are devilish tools and will ultimately pay the price.

    In the end God wins.

    Let’s go Jussie

  4. I’m out for a few days, come back, and here’s crap like THIS still there to disgust me.

    I am so sick of medical cowards I could do a bunch of things I can’t list here because they’re all illegal.

    And would require someone get medical attention.

    See, the world I grew up in wasn’t like that. Medical people did their jobs and had some dedication to their oaths. I ran with many people in EMS who would do what has to be done to save a patient’s life even when they KNOW the patient has a highly dangerous, communicable disease, and who would get blood and vomit and all sorts of unpleasantness on them from people they don’t know and can’t ask because they are unconcious and/or dying.

    This didn’t stop at the hospital either. Especially with kids. There was one time I brought a child who had been hit by a (thankfully slow) car in who had probably a couple of broken bones, but we packaged them up good and delivered them, and the Children’s Hospital folks called a “Trauma Code” as soon as we got there and there were SO many white coated specialist that ran – RAN – into the room that they crowded us and our stretcher out immediately so they could each cover their own particular field and determine what the child needed immediately and long term for the best possible outcome.

    They knew nothing about the child, just that he was a child in need. And children have ALWAYS been disease recepticles as long as their have been children. No one cared, all were focused on curing, not frightening themselves.

    And when we rolled in with babies who were in febrile seizures, dying of menengitis, croupy children, children coughing so hard they went into retractive breathing to get air, STILL didn’t matter. You’d need a stick to beat away all of the medical personnel that ran in to help, respritory therapist, nurses of all levels, one or two doctors, aids, an entire panoply of all the positions that existed for patient care at the time and none of them saying “we should think about not treating, he may be contagious”.

    Even though many WERE.

    You just used universal precautions, tried not to inhale when being coughed on or covered with saliva, showered and changed your clothes when done if necessary, and got tested later if you really thought it was warranted, but YOU DID YOUR JOB FIRST.


    …see, it was never hidden from anyone that the jobs involved dealing with SICK PEOPLE. Sick people who can make YOU sick. It wasn’t a secret, it was a KNOWN and ACCEPTED risk. If you did NOT want to take the risk, well, you could go do something else that DIDN’T involve dealing with sick people and then you would HAVE NO RISK.

    I personally do not want to get eaten by a lion. It just seems unpleasant to think that you’ll be torn to shreds by a big cat and pooped out later that afternoon. It’s a risk I am personally adverse to because I don’t see any benefit. So I avoid it by NOT BEING A ZOOKEEPER OR A LION TAMER, and this makes my risk of being eaten by a lion VANISHINGLY small.

    THAT’S how you mitigate risk.

    …but even back in the day, in Podunk, USA, on the squads and in the hospitals, if you were REALLY concerned with what a patent had, you had MANY other options. You could put on a BIGGER mask, adjust the airflow in some rooms to a laminar flow that would constantly take anything the patient produced AWAY from you and out its own exhaust and came complete with these nifty outfits that had hoses that drew air from outside the room after you went in an airlock, heftier respriators, eye shields, full SCBA, you could even get taped into a HazMat suit if you had a mind and while people would look at you like you were stupid, it WAS available, or they could simply find someone with a higher risk tolerance. All of this was availabe 30 years ago, pretty sure it’s only gotten BETTER since then. You could BE a coward and still do your job, if that’s how you wanted to go.

    No one I knew did, but it WAS available.

    Now, you tell me of Canuck “Doctors” who simply refuse to treat because of what the patient MIGHT have. Never mind testing. Never mind they can wear their OWN mask. Never mind they can have their OWN “vaccine”. Never mind that they have ALL OF THESE OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO THEM. The fact that they did NOT use them means they were a) cowards, b) lazy, c) assholes using a child’s suffering to score political points to someone else, or d) some combinations of a)b)and c), or e) all of the above.

    NOT what a person who’s SUPPOSED to be a HEALER is SWORN to do.

    And this left a child in pain, and with a permanant deformity.

    Nice job, guys. You REALLY showed those Anti-Maskers you hate so much, didn’t you? Maybe you can get a video of him crying in pain for your enjoyment when you’re sitting in your safe little bubble not doing YOUR JOB because you don’t WANT to.

    You bastards sicken me like nothing else ever HAS.

    Then there’s this;

    “1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

    2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
    Luke 17:1-2

    That’s for you who would betray your Oath and let a child suffer; and as for you who would argue “I do this for my own safety”..

    “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”
    Luke 17:33

    A healer who refuses to heal and farts with his mouth instead about why he won’t is the most contemptable of creatures. Such a one should be scorned in life and sentenced to death so he can begin his eternity in hell as soon as possible. I am trying VERY hard to not curse here because I do not want to curse in the same place I quote the Word of the Lord, but it’s incredibly limiting to how I REALLY feel.

    I don’t know how Canada got this plauge of lazy, cowardly, political healers, although I suspect they did it via socialized medicine. That’s what Obamacare did here, chased all the old-line doctors out to ones that were completely beholden to political forces for their bread and permissions. And I don’t see how we get back out of it with the health professions so throughly co-opted and politically purged with the Jab as an excuse. Maybe we can rebuild at some point with those who got denied becasue of the jab, I don’t know.

    But I DO know we can no longer trust them about anything.
    We can no longer believe them about anything.
    And that this is a bill that it’s on US to collect.

    And may the day of reckoning be soon, and the collection as painful as possible, and may none heal these fake healers when they are mortally injured by those justly angered by their torment of their children, their callousness with adults, their putting politics ahead of patients, that is more than enough to justify choking them to death with their own gauze and cotton balls, then beating them with X-Ray plates until you hear a crunch from their skulls.

    And I’m about ready to stop waiting for the rest of you.

    These pricks probably killed my Church Brother. They probably will kill one of my co-workers with an unnecessary ventilator. They very likely killed a kid I tried to save here with the Jab becasue the Democrat Coroner keeps withholding the PUBLIC RECORD autopsy for some reason, and they may have even killed my son with the Jab.

    So I may not wait for you all. I may not be able to, because they want to kill ME as well. Wrong color, sex, orientation, don’cha know.

    I should probably step away again before I say stuff I ought not to.

    …but all I can say is, when we said, “NEVER AGAIN” after WWII, it appears we didn’t MEAN it.

    May your slavery be light and most of your relatives left alive if you choose to comply.

    But being eaten by the lion last is still being eaten. You will STILL be poop on the forest floor before the sun sets.

    Just saying.


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