Biden can’t distinguish real life from television – IOTW Report

Biden can’t distinguish real life from television

PJM: Joe Biden is hardly the sharpest tool in the shed, so it’s hardly surprising that he can’t seem to remember the difference between former SNL actress Tina Fey and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

According to Phillip Wegmann, a White House reporter for RealClearPolitics, Biden claimed on Monday that while in the Obama administration, he worked with every state governor, “save one.” That one, he claims, was Sarah Palin, who he didn’t refer to by name, probably because he doesn’t remember it, but referred to her as the governor who “can see Alaska from her porch.”

Of course, Biden’s reference to Palin was completely wrong.   Sarah Palin never said she could see Russia from her porch. more

12 Comments on Biden can’t distinguish real life from television

  1. he is dumber than a box of rocks – but you already knew that.

    And he blew the line – surprise, surprise – He couldn’t even get Tina Fey’s dis right – the clown said that Palin claimed she could see ALASKA from her porch -well, paint me green and call me Gumby.

    I just checked – from my front porch I can see the People’s Republic of Massachusetts in all directions.

  2. Every fucking democrat says the same fucking lie, along with the million other lies they tell… Trump/Russia!… Demanded bribes from Ukraine!… 1/6 Insuhwreckshun!!!… Crossing state lines!!!… White Hispanic!!!…

    It never fucking ends with these assholes. The one thing the democrats have convinced me of is that Satan is real, and he owns the democrat party from top to bottom.


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