10-Term Democrat Congressional Rep G.K. Butterfield Will Not Seek Reelection, Becomes 15th Democrat to Announce Departure – IOTW Report

10-Term Democrat Congressional Rep G.K. Butterfield Will Not Seek Reelection, Becomes 15th Democrat to Announce Departure

CTH: The southern border is a mess, and border state Latino Democrats are switching to the Republican Party.  The Texas border region voted overwhelmingly to support Donald Trump in the 2020 election, and is now solidly voting for local Republican candidates.  This is the MAGA influence of Trump and the America-First Main Street realignment.

Inflation is skyrocketing and will continue getting worse through 2022.  Wage growth is nowhere near enough to keep up with food inflation.  Gas prices have almost doubled in some areas and will continue to increase due to Biden energy policy.

The Democrat regulatory environmental programs in coastal areas are creating massive supply chain issues.  Home heating costs this winter will be 60 to 70 percent higher due to Biden energy policy. read more

20 Comments on 10-Term Democrat Congressional Rep G.K. Butterfield Will Not Seek Reelection, Becomes 15th Democrat to Announce Departure

  1. the BIDEN PEDOPHILE is using the southern border–and elsewhere–for human trafficking, especially where young children are involved. The thing is no ‘mess’ but planned out and orchestrated so that the pedophile can satisfy the urges other vile pedos so that he can (continue) making mega-coin on the vile and sinister child rape billion-dollar business. His own daughter and a young black woman who was sold into seks trafficking rings as a child can attest to his vicious assaults against them.

  2. Guess he’s stolen all that he can steal.
    Time to find other venues of theft and corruption.

    Good luck to ya, G.K.!
    Hell’s lookin forward to yer arrival!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The rats may be abandoning ship as it goes down, but they sure as Hell are destroying as much of it as they can in the process!!
    Now I read that they are selling off our Strategic Oil Reserve. These Communists are ripping the guts out of our country while we stand by and watch!!

    So who dies first: democRATs or the Nation?
    Defecrats may be dropping like flies, but the question still remains: will the Nation survive their onslaught before it collapses or is so weak we can no longer fight back!

  4. Oh by the way – I can see right thru their ploy. They’re telling us that they are toying with the idea of using the Strategic Oil Reserves to lower the price of gas as a cover for their real intentions. Meanwhile they’re selling it off to the Chinese. Then when it’s depleated they will tell us that if they hadn’t sold it off the price of gas would have been $69.00 dollars a gallon!!
    You watch – The real Chinese aggression starts when our reserves are gone!

  5. All this talk about old petrified America-hating communists in government retiring. Is there any doubt they will all be replaced by young energetic America-hating communists who expect their 10-term seat on the gravy train?

  6. @TRF

    “So who dies first: democRATs or the Nation?”

    That’s an easy one. The Democrats are not dying, they are reloading, recycling, bring fresh troops into the fight and emptying their bench. When you control culture, which Andrew told us was upstream from politics, control the incubation of ideas (universities), and the megaphone(corporate media,Hollywood) your vitality is assured.

  7. Anonymous November 18, 2021 at 2:50 am

    Rejoice! All the corrupt cronies are abandoning their posts! This is what happened at the end of the Roman Empire.


    Damage is already done, the history books are written. It’s the welfare state that will do us in – like it did Rome. No one is prepared for what’s coming.


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