Judge in Project Veritas/NYT Case Orders NYT to Defend and Explain Access to O’Keefe Legal Communication – IOTW Report

Judge in Project Veritas/NYT Case Orders NYT to Defend and Explain Access to O’Keefe Legal Communication

Why doesn’t the judge just ask the federal government? NYT seems to works for them.

CTH: The New York judge, Charles D. Wood, in the case of Project Veritas -vs- New York Times, has ordered the newspaper to explain how they obtained access to the legal correspondence between James O’Keefe and his attorneys. 

The FBI raided James O’Keefe’s apartment, seized his cell phone and other devices, and then days later the New York Times was publishing privileged legal information which appears to have been obtained from FBI leaks.  The judge in the case is ordering the New York Times to defend its position before he grants the requests of O’Keefe’s legal team. more here

5 Comments on Judge in Project Veritas/NYT Case Orders NYT to Defend and Explain Access to O’Keefe Legal Communication

  1. So who passed the stolen information and files off to the NYT and who is the named crook who broken into the FBI?? Not like this is a simple dairy of an idiot. Because they need a predawn, armed to the teeth raid, with a truck load of cuffs, several paddy wagons and a mile long perp walk/march in the wet snow & rain!!! MSM is expecting/demanding a tip off on the raid so they can document the raid with video.

  2. The judge is doing the right thing. Maybe finding out who sources are and covering his butt. O’keefe will get his day in court hopefully with more evidence to support him.


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