Virginia Cop Wants His Job Back After He was Doxxed and Fired for Donating to the Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund – IOTW Report

Virginia Cop Wants His Job Back After He was Doxxed and Fired for Donating to the Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund

GP: Last year after the fatal shootings at the Kenosha riots the leftist media went to work acting like a fascist hit squad.

That’s all about to change.

In April, 2021 news broke that the far-left group Distributed Denial of Secrets leaked private details of several donors who gave money to Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois teenager accused of killing two protesters in Wisconsin when he was brutally attacked during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The group DDoSecrets outed the donors who attempted to conceal their identities using an anonymous feature on GiveSendGo, a Christian crowdfunding website, following a data breach, The Guardian reported.

The Guardian outed and published the names of several public officials, emergency workers and police officers who donated anonymously to the Rittenhouse defense fund. more

12 Comments on Virginia Cop Wants His Job Back After He was Doxxed and Fired for Donating to the Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund

  1. From DDoSecrets website: “We aim to avoid political, corporate or personal leanings…”, yet, interestingly, all their hacks seem to have targeted right-of-center groups and organization. And surprise! They are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

  2. An hero who volunteered (as long as the checks keep clearing) to do to you, ALL of you, what was done to him, first, should now have his pedestal polished? By all of you?

    Well… go on. Git to it!

  3. Dry gulched NOVEMBER 22, 2021 AT 2:19 PM

    “Congratulations anonymous for graduating from the School of Incomprehensible Diatribes.”

    Yup. No matter how many times you read it.


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