Biden: ‘If You Look at My Presidency So Far, It’s a Jobs Presidency and It’s a Small Business Presidency’ – IOTW Report

Biden: ‘If You Look at My Presidency So Far, It’s a Jobs Presidency and It’s a Small Business Presidency’

PJMedia: Whoever writes Old Joe Biden’s tweets (which are, hallelujah, most emphatically not mean) may have been hitting the egg nog a bit ahead of the Christmas season: on Monday afternoon, Biden tweeted: “If you look at my presidency so far, it’s a jobs presidency and it’s a small business presidency.” Yes, really. The man who has done so very much to kill jobs and small businesses in America is now crowing about saving them. The Left’s sheer audacity in gaslighting the American people grows by orders of magnitude practically every day, but this one will go down in history as one of the most egregiously dishonest things this most mendacious of presidents has ever said.

To be fair to the man, it must be noted that Biden’s handlers got their best-ever jobs report in early November, with 531,000 jobs added in October and unemployment falling to 4.7 percent. However, as Matt Margolis pointed out, this was the result of the expiration of pandemic-related unemployment benefits and was not due to anything Biden did.

Meanwhile, there is a great deal Old Joe has done to put Americans out of work. He killed the Keystone pipeline, which didn’t just put out of work the people who were already working on it, but also snuffed the jobs that would have been created as the project grew. As far back as 2012, CBS News reported that “Transcanada (TRP), the energy giant bidding to build the pipeline, projects the undertaking would create 20,000 jobs in the U.S., including 13,000 positions in construction and 7,000 in manufacturing. … Other estimates advanced by supporters of the pipeline have been even more optimistic, with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce claiming it could create 250,000 permanent U.S. jobs.” more

10 Comments on Biden: ‘If You Look at My Presidency So Far, It’s a Jobs Presidency and It’s a Small Business Presidency’

  1. It’s called American Pravda.

    And”…hallelujah, most emphatically not mean”??
    I’d love some mean tweets and cheap gas right now.
    And cheap heating oil, fewer dictates, a non weaponized IRS, strong military where skirts on men are not allowed and I would love to not be the laughing stock of the world.

  2. Just read this on PJ before hopping over here.

    Everything this administration says and does is from the cabal through Soros and his proxy rhe Magic Half Negro.

    The global cabal is deliberately running this country into chaos and ruin.

    We are enabling China and Russia and my guess is war will occur before the midterms on one front or another (or most likely both) as we have civil war in America

    The sock puppet Pedo is about to declare no first use of our nuclear arms and this will be the signal for open warfare without US intervention or nukes to protect our allies.

    Everyone now knows the drooling farting ignoramus is irrelevant and since they will not tolerate losing power they will create major national and international crises to maintain it.

    Strap in and hang on.

  3. And the propaganda organs will parrot this nonsense … as they did that absolute horseshit about Moose Obola being an attractive “woman.”

    What a crock of shit!

    Biden’s a disaster for America but a boon for America’s enemies.
    Fucking traitor.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Yea, higher taxes and more regulations have always helped small business. What a fool. I wish his handlers would quit pulling his string.
    Every time now that I see him speak, his eyes get pinched tighter together. Like he’s waiting for something painful to occur. I think his handlers have a remote control electrical shock device buried up his ass. And every time he wonders off the message they zap him. It’s the only logical explanation I can come up with.

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