“WE’RE F**KED”; Democrat Strategists Hit The Panic Button Over 2022 Midterms – IOTW Report

“WE’RE F**KED”; Democrat Strategists Hit The Panic Button Over 2022 Midterms

Trending Politics: The more Democrats learn about their recent collapse in the Virginia governor race, the more scared they get about the 2022 midterms.

According to Politico, one Democrat strategist went as far as to say “It’s too late, we’re f**ked”.

Politico’s report details why the numbers they’re analyzing are “worse than they expected”:

What they discovered, largely through focus groups and polling, was even worse than expected. The problems cut far deeper than the failings of their gubernatorial nominee, Terry McAuliffe, or President Joe Biden’s flagging approval ratings. Rather, the Democratic Party’s entire brand was a wreck,” Politico wrote after obtaining a report by a polling group called Third Way.

According to Third Way, “voters couldn’t name anything that Democrats had done, except a few who said we passed the infrastructure bill.”

“It’s not great news,” said Third Way’s Matt Bennett. “Any report that starts out, ‘Our weak national brand left us vulnerable’ is not great news,” he added. MORE

22 Comments on “WE’RE F**KED”; Democrat Strategists Hit The Panic Button Over 2022 Midterms

  1. It’s funny, everyone else in the country has been saying we’re fucked but it’s because the goddamn commie Democrats are running the show right into the ground everywhere they can. So it’s good we all can agree we’re fucked. Now let’s get to the part where we ensure no democrat or like-minded individual gets within 1000 miles of power or authority ever again and we might be able to let a few of them live on the same planet.

  2. The best part of the deal is they forked themselves. They stole the reins of power and gave them to the biggest, most incompetent, running on two brain cells they. could find.

  3. The 2020, in our face fraud was so contemptuous how can anyone think that they won’t do it again?

    Voting HARDERER will never work.

    And even should we take the House, do you think Speaker McCarthy is going to do the job we need done?

    Republicans are intent on going along with burning down the country only slower. There’s a handful of decent House Rs and maybe more will join them but endless wars and trillions of fairy dust dollars seem to be SOP.

  4. The country’s fucked, regardless.
    Unless we make voter fraud a capital offense, it will continue unabated.
    (voter fraud, being Treason by definition, should already be a capital offense)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Their base is all over the place.
    Too many liberal desires to satisfy. People are more knowledgeable about what they want these days so whatever they try nothing much will work to unify them except of course, Trump hate that always works.

  6. There is a real danger that Democrats may “Kamikaze” the country, if they don’t get want they will destroy everything that they can.
    They know their political careers are over, so why not?

  7. Pete and General M: That is why they are so upset at the Rittenhouse verdict. It derailed their plant to brat us into submission.

    I think it is more than a coincidence that there have not been many riots. The left now knows they can’t get away with bearing people and that the erstwhile victims can fight back.

  8. The bigger problem is both McCain and Romney and Romney’s punk ass Eddie Munster looking side kick would have been worse than Obama was.

    The Republican establishment is what is more likely than not going to cause this opportunity to be lost.

  9. @Sapper Chris November 27, 2021 at 4:10 pm

    > Now let’s get to the part where we ensure no democrat or like-minded individual gets within 1000 miles of power or authority ever again and we might be able to let a few of them live on the same planet.

    This. This is why the Loyal Opposition never rolls back the damage done. This is why the Loyal Opposition exists. Not is allowed to exist. But is created. To hold the line. When the True Party fumbles.

    This, the ultimate success of the right side of history, is what the live and let lives want. Especially those that don’t want to say what they want. Those that want those who are “that” way to be given a time out. Still here. Over in the corner. Plotting. With all their allies still in power. Just not “in charge”.

  10. It’s been coming since Zippy. That they got so desperate and sloppy when they installed Brandon says a lot.

    RINOs will throw them a lifeline, again.

    Then they need to be primaried. Love how all the trolls are distributing the usual FUD.

    There is a real danger that Democrats may “Kamikaze” the country, if they don’t get want they will destroy everything that they can.

    Hitler tried the same thing asnd even the German army didn;’t go along

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