New Analysis Shows Merck’s COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment Has Lower Efficacy – IOTW Report

New Analysis Shows Merck’s COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment Has Lower Efficacy

NTD: A new analysis of clinical trial results shows that Merck’s antiviral pill for treating COVID-19 is significantly less effective than previously reported in October, the company announced on Friday.

In the updated report, the drugmaker said its antiviral treatment drug, which is called molnupiravir, showed a 30 percent reduction in hospitalizations and deaths from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, based on data from 1,433 patients.

In the company’s full analysis, one patient died in the molnupiravir group, and nine in the placebo group. The molnupiravir arm of the study had a hospitalization and death rate of 6.8 percent. The placebo group had a hospitalization and death rate of 9.7 percent.

In early October, the drugmaker announced in its interim analysis of a phase 3 trial studying the treatment that the pill is able to cut the risk of hospitalization or death in half for adults who were deemed at risk but not hospitalized.

Compared to the 14.1 percent of patients who received placebos, 7.3 percent of trial participants who received the drug were hospitalized through day 29, the company and its partner Ridgeback Biotherapeutics said at the time. Eight people died in the placebo group while nobody did in the group given molnupiravir.

The lower efficacy of Merck’s drug could have big implications in terms of whether countries continue to buy the pill. more

2 Comments on New Analysis Shows Merck’s COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment Has Lower Efficacy

  1. It’s difficult to find a cure, or even an effective treatment, for a hoax.

    Wuhan Flu, like every other corona-virus infection, just has to be ridden out.
    Warm whiskey with lemon and honey – and bed-rest.

    “Ain’t no cure for the Wuhan/Chinee Flu …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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