Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers Nationwide – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers Nationwide

Townhall: Joe Biden wants his COVID vaccine mandate. The problem is it might not be legal. The mandate has now been soundly beaten in the courts regarding its constitutionality. The workplace mandate has been halted. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which was dragooned as Biden’s medical Gestapo force, announced they were halting enforcing the protocols until the legal issues were resolved. The Biden mandate for businesses forces companies with 100 employees or more to have a vaccinated workforce. The Biden White House was unfazed by the rulings and even defied the courts, telling businesses to keep working on their protocols for compliance. 

With health care workers, that mandate was halted in 10 states. Now, that’s been expanded nationwide as a district judge in Louisiana decided to pump the brakes on this completely. If Biden wants his vaccine mandate, he’ll have to get it passed through Congress. more

16 Comments on Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers Nationwide

  1. “If Biden wants his vaccine mandate, he’ll have to get it passed through Congress.”
    Which will never happen. But even if it did, 5th Circuit already stated that it would still be unconstitutional.

  2. Passed through Congress, eh. The only problem I see with that is trying to get them to work. The Christmas break has got to be coming up pretty quick. Unless of course the Thanksgiving break extends to early next year.

    It’s hard to keep track of this stuff.

  3. doesn’t matter … CMS has already told Hospitals in ‘critical areas’ (states w/ more than 50 WhuFlu cases … go figure) that if they DON’T mandate employee jabs Medicare & Medicaid will withhold funds … see how it works?

  4. They can withhold all the M&M they want. They can’t operate with no RRTs and Nurses.

    That’s why they are paying traveling Nurses and RRTs over 5000 dollars a week.

  5. Why just for healthcare workers?
    Joey has no authority to issue medical mandates – PERIOD.

    Fuck Joe – Fuck Fauxi – Fuck the Judge – and Fuck the Rest of Them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Doesn’t matter. Staff have left already. We do not anticipate the next generations to be graduating health care programs to want to work in hospitals or nursing homes, and we do not look for fresh blood to seek entry into these programs. Why would they, after seeing all this bullshit?


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