Judge Finds It ‘Puzzling’ That Biden Admin Didn’t Consider ‘Natural Immunity’ for Healthcare Workers; Blocks Mandates to Protect ‘Liberty Interests of the Unvaccinated’ – IOTW Report

Judge Finds It ‘Puzzling’ That Biden Admin Didn’t Consider ‘Natural Immunity’ for Healthcare Workers; Blocks Mandates to Protect ‘Liberty Interests of the Unvaccinated’

Law&Crime- Citing the “liberty interests of the unvaccinated,” a federal judge in the Western District of Louisiana issued a nationwide order Tuesday against efforts by the administration of President Joe Biden to require health care workers nationwide to receive a vaccine against the novel coronavirus.

Judge Terry A. Doughty, a Donald Trump appointee, enjoined the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, “along with their directors, employees, Administrators and Secretaries,” from implementing the Nov. 5, 2021 mandate “as to all healthcare providers, suppliers, owners, employees, and all others covered” by the mandate. According to its summary, the Biden Administration’s mandate required “Medicare- and Medicaid-certified providers and suppliers” — in other words, entities and people who interact financially with the federal government — to generally require COVID-19 vaccinations “to help protect the health and safety of residents, clients, patients, PACE participants, and staff” if they wish to continue to “participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.”

Doughty also ordered “that the scope of this injunction shall be nationwide, except for the states of Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nebraska, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, since these ten states are already under a preliminary injunction order dated November 29, 2021, issued by [another judge in] the Eastern District of Missouri.” The Missouri case is already being appealed. more

7 Comments on Judge Finds It ‘Puzzling’ That Biden Admin Didn’t Consider ‘Natural Immunity’ for Healthcare Workers; Blocks Mandates to Protect ‘Liberty Interests of the Unvaccinated’

  1. While I appreciate the judge doing the right thing and agree that it’s a VERY obvious “tell” that they don’t even CONSIDER natural immunity, to me, arguing about this or that element in the “mandate”, what is or isn’t in it, is what lawyers call “petitio principii”, because it’s completely beside the point.

    The point is this.

    What Americans do or do not choose to have their own bodies injected with is none of the Federal government’s business, and therefore completely unconstitutional in ANY form.

    That’s it.

    If you do not have agency over your own body, you do not own yourself,someone else does.

    The person who can order you to poison yorself against your will is your absolute master, with power of life and death over you, and you are his chattel slave.

    The argument then is whether the Federal government owns your body, no more and no less.

    Anything else is just distraction.

    Consider this, from the NIHs own Web site.

    “The anti-tobacco campaign must be understood against the backdrop of the Nazi quest for racial and bodily purity, which also motivated many other public health efforts of the era.”

    The Nazi government considered it your DUTY to take care of your body, not because they loved you, but because it belonged to the State, so if you damaged your body without permission, you were damaging State property and therefore being very unpatriotic, even treasonable.

    Sounds familiar, nicht wahr?

    …so again, either the State owns your body, or you do.

    Nothing else matters.

    I will not comply.

    Whether you do us your choice as a free person.

    Let’s keep it that way.

  2. I agreed SNS
    The same people that demand a choice to kill their own babies because it’s “their body”, demand that the government give you no choice on the possibly and probably in the long run of killing you with a jab.


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