Jussie Smollett Was Caught on Video Staging ‘Dry Run’ of Alleged Hoax Hate Crime Attack: Prosecutors – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett Was Caught on Video Staging ‘Dry Run’ of Alleged Hoax Hate Crime Attack: Prosecutors

Law&Crime: Day two of the disorderly conduct trial against actor Jussie Smollett focused on what the prosecution hopes to be a key piece of evidence in their effort to convince a Chicago jury that he orchestrated an elaborate homophobic and racist hate crime hoax in order to gin up sympathy and ultimately collect a hefty payday.

The defense, on the other hand, ridiculed the prosecution’s case as a “fantasy” of the highest order.

“I want you to attack me, but when you hit me, I want you to kind of pull your punches a bit because I don’t want to get seriously hurt,” Special Prosecutor Dan Webb said Smollett told the two brothers he allegedly hired to stage the January 2019 attack.

In Aug. 2019, a judge named Webb as the special prosecutor who would look into why the office of State’s Attorney Kim Foxx suddenly decided to drop the original false reporting case against Smollett. Several months later, the special prosecutor’s investigation led to a disorderly conduct indictment against Smollett.

According to the Chicago Police Department, the former “Empire” star hired Abimbola Osundairo and Olabinjo Osundairo to slightly injure him as he walked home from a Subway restaurant on a cold, Chicago night because his studio shrugged off a “hate” letter he had previously received in the mail. Police and prosecutors insist Smollett wanted to make his studio pay–quite literally–for not taking that letter as serious as the actor wanted them to by bumping his salary. more

10 Comments on Jussie Smollett Was Caught on Video Staging ‘Dry Run’ of Alleged Hoax Hate Crime Attack: Prosecutors

  1. Clearly, the US needs a national discussion on the domestic terror being perpetrated by Nigerian white supremacists with the goal of figuring out how to further marginalize and vilify actual white people who had nothing to do with it.

    There are literally people with real power for whom the previous sentence makes total sense.

  2. The search result is there, but for some reason the page won’t load. NBCnews.com reported July 21, 2019, that a gay person said Smollet’s attack has such a deep personal meaning to the LGBTQ community because “it could have been any one of us…”

    This is the problem with hoax “hate crimes”. They are almost always made up of whole cloth that have nothing to do with the reality. Incurious people, looking for confirmation of their victimhood biases, are too eager to believe them and to act on them. Every Leftist movement for the past ten years is based on a fabrication. “Occupy”, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, BLM, Antifa, and so on.

    George Zimmerman’s trial included a central witness against him who later turned out to be a complete imposter. Whole cloth.

    I don’t understand how Smollett can get off with “Disorderly Conduct” when entire cities can be burned down over so-called “hate crimes”.

  3. AA – Our wonderful Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media fanned the flames of our cities and were complicit in the hoax “hate crimes”! ABC, CBS, NBC, BLM, Antifa and the democRAT party are all organizations with web sites. They should be liable for all the damage done to our cities and sent bills and sued accordingly.


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