We had a similar experience with my grandson, only it was his eyesight. He wasn’t blind, but damn near. We didn’t realize it until he was 3 or so. Anyway, his first pair of glasses opened up the whole world for him!tears of joy and gratitude when you see that!
Some good news for a change – Thanks!
🙂 nice
Yes, my smile nearly wrapped around my whole face!
@Brad ~ yep, they’re like cats … they’re cute when they’re little, but then they grow up to be hissing acid heads
I know Rumble is trying and I appreciate their effort but would someone let me know when their software & servers are up to snuff like YouTube.
Yes YouTube is the enemy but right now they are a #9 at the strip joint while Rumble is the #2 crack-whore that takes the stage at 6 AM…
I frikking hate COVID masks tho! That mom wearing a mask (are the staff wearing them too?) hides sooo much communication for a developing mind, especially one with special needs! Hate the Masks!!
Yea, but then they grow up.
We had a similar experience with my grandson, only it was his eyesight. He wasn’t blind, but damn near. We didn’t realize it until he was 3 or so. Anyway, his first pair of glasses opened up the whole world for him!tears of joy and gratitude when you see that!
Some good news for a change – Thanks!
🙂 nice
Yes, my smile nearly wrapped around my whole face!
@Brad ~ yep, they’re like cats … they’re cute when they’re little, but then they grow up to be hissing acid heads
I know Rumble is trying and I appreciate their effort but would someone let me know when their software & servers are up to snuff like YouTube.
Yes YouTube is the enemy but right now they are a #9 at the strip joint while Rumble is the #2 crack-whore that takes the stage at 6 AM…
I frikking hate COVID masks tho! That mom wearing a mask (are the staff wearing them too?) hides sooo much communication for a developing mind, especially one with special needs! Hate the Masks!!