Biden Releases Statement on Build Back Better Raises Concerns About Bill’s Future – IOTW Report

Biden Releases Statement on Build Back Better Raises Concerns About Bill’s Future

Townhall: On Thursday night, the White House released a statement from President Joe Biden on the reconciliation spending bill, also known as Build Back Better. The bill, which passed the House last month, has received considerable attention in the past few days, especially when it appears the Senate may be moving on to voting legislation, rather than trying to pass the spending bill before the year’s end.

The statement was something of a lengthy one, taking quite a few words to try to get across what Biden may hope sends an optimistic message. For instance, the statement read that “I believe that we will bridge our differences and advance the Build Back Better plan, even in the face of fierce Republican opposition,” later on also indicating that “Leader Schumer and I are determined to see the bill successfully on the floor as early as possible.” 

That Biden focused on “fierce Republican opposition” is curious, since no Republicans were expected to vote for the bill. While Democrats have a shot at passing the bill through a simple majority vote by the process of reconciliation, their 50-50 majority in the Senate means that they cannot afford to lose any members. 

He referenced that “face of Republican opposition” towards the end of his statement as well, in a particularly desperate paragraph that read “We will – we must – get Build Back Better passed, even in the face of Republican opposition.” more

8 Comments on Biden Releases Statement on Build Back Better Raises Concerns About Bill’s Future

  1. This is the same fucking idiot who was in charge of “Shovel Ready Jobs.” If one damn thing that benefitted the American taxpayers resulted from that fiasco it is a well kept secret.

  2. Remember when Presidents were supposed to work with BOTH sides for the good 9f the country, and maybe address the concerns of the representatives of at least half the nation instead of just viewing them as “opposition we must overcome”?

    You know, collaborating, negotiating, working for ALL the American people, not just his true believers?

    …yeah, me neither…


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