Bill to ban goods made by Chinese forced labor passes Senate, heads to Biden’s desk – IOTW Report

Bill to ban goods made by Chinese forced labor passes Senate, heads to Biden’s desk

FOX: In a landmark punishment of China over accused genocide and the country’s forced labor of Uyghurs, the Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a bill to prohibit the importation of goods made in China’s Xinjiang region.

The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act heads to President Joe Biden’s desk, and he is expected to sign the bill. It bans the importation of products made in the area where “re-education” camps for Uyghur Muslims have been built unless companies can show “clear and convincing evidence” that the products were not made with forced labor.

Major international corporations such as Coca-Cola and Nike reportedly lobbied against the bill, arguing that the requirements could harm supply chains. more here

11 Comments on Bill to ban goods made by Chinese forced labor passes Senate, heads to Biden’s desk

  1. Like they won’t put the shit in a Truck and ship it from somewhere else.

    I put 2 Brand new Carrier HVAC units on a roof this week.
    “Made in the USA”
    Except, not one significant part was made in USA. ChyNa, Mexico, Indonesia, etc.

  2. Nike and Coca-Cola: the requirements could harm supply chains.

    Does anyone think slave-traders could have made the same argument when the slave trade was banished in the UK and US in the early 19th Century? Yes, I think it’s possible, but along the lines of: Britain will see a shortage of cotton if we can no longer capture slaves and send then to America.

    Now they are trying to leverage the worry about supply-chains. Like as if little Johnny won’t get that new red (electric) bike for Christmas if Biden signs the bill.

    Nike maybe the worst corporation in America. Relying on slave labor like the Civil War and Lincoln’s proclamation never happened.

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