Horowitz: The vaccines are working … exactly as they were designed – IOTW Report

Horowitz: The vaccines are working … exactly as they were designed

h/t NAAC

The Blaze:

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” —George Orwell

There is nowhere to run or hide from the growing observations that the closer we come to universal vaccination rates in many countries, the worse the pandemic has become. We have always known that leaky vaccines have the potential to create viral enhancement, but the recent data is unmistakable. At the same time, the COVID cultists are panicking over an emerging variant that actually might be the mildest of all while mainly affecting the vaccinated — a perfect refutation to the mass vaccination push. All signs point to the need to suspend the shots and focus exclusively on monoclonal antibodies and other early treatment. Or is there an ulterior motive?

At this point, we better pray that Omicron becomes dominant in the U.S. as quickly as possible. The most devastating observation of 2021 is that more people have died from COVID under the mass vaccination regime during the existing variant than before there was a single jab. According to the CDC’s “Data Table for Daily Death Trends,” there have been 127,184 COVID deaths from September 1 through November 30 this year, which is 45% greater than the 87,829 recorded deaths over the same period in 2020. And some of the deaths from this year are still lagging and likely to be updated. more

13 Comments on Horowitz: The vaccines are working … exactly as they were designed

  1. “The German state of North Rhine-Westphalia is making boosters available for people to take every four weeks.” What government will be first in making boosters available weekly? Daily?

  2. I’m curious. When will the “experts” start blaming Trump for the vaccines(?) tendency to kill or maim people ???? After all it was he that got vaccines(?) started in record time.
    And, no, I am a Trump supporter, I just can’t figure out when the left starts turning or if they’re too invested in this vaccine(?) thing. Maybe they’re saving it for the run-up to 2024.

  3. @Ferd: Yes it was Trump that took credit for the fast tracked vaccine. Then Biden began taking credit until people started to drop dead. Biden backed up and now it’s a moot point. Trump also made sure no one could sue if harmed in any way by the jab. Did he know what it would lead to, and he really didn’t get the jab. Trump is not a stupid man. Did he sell us out? I’m doing some thinking. However, I’m leaning more towards blaming it all on Fauci and intentionally lying and leading Trump down the wrong road. Evidently Trump’s intuition didn’t work so well in this case.

  4. Goldenfoxx
    The vaccine was developed before the pandemic. Trump believed his advisors, even the ones he thought he could trust.
    As for not being able to sue for malpractice, the pharmaceutical companies got that pass in 1986.
    The simple fact is, Trump was never supposed to win in the first place. The fix was in for Kilary, Trump blew the algorithm. Kilary couldn’t call for a recall because the cheat would have been exposed.
    They thought they had the algorithm fixed for Biden, but again Trump blew it up, that why the polls had to shut down.

  5. “The vaccine was developed before the pandemic.” ✔

    “The vax is setting your body up for the coup-de-gras virus.” ✔

    The world-wide goals are (1) control; and, (2) population reduction.

    There will be attendant changes as well:

    (a) Digital currencies.

    (b) World-wide social credit system.

  6. @Dan K.

    I’m also beginning to think that. They may have taken Scrooge at his word when he said “Decrease the surplus population”.

    The Globalists and liberals may have put in place a plan to reduce the population of the Earth. They think of human beings as nothing better than producers of mass pollution that will eventually kill the planet.

    If so, it will be a genocide that cuts across all races and regions. I can think of nothing else as evil in the entire history of mankind. If Covid doesn’t do the trick, maybe more deadly pandemics will be unleashed. Are we ready to face the Bubonic Plague?

    I’m not trying to create a conspiracy here, but just trying to understand what in the hell is going on in the world. Abortion may be a part of the Globalist plan but despite the number of aborted babies, the world population keeps increasing. The pushing of homosexuality may also be part of it.

    I sincerely hope that I am wrong.


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