Chicago’s Mayor Beetlejuice Announces Omicron Prevention 10 Minute Policy, After Ten Minutes Must Show Proof of Vaccination ID – IOTW Report

Chicago’s Mayor Beetlejuice Announces Omicron Prevention 10 Minute Policy, After Ten Minutes Must Show Proof of Vaccination ID

CTH: Comrade citizens, Chicago Mayor Beetlejuice announced today that anyone entering a gym, bar, restaurant, fitness or entertainment venue must show proof of vaccination if they are going to be located in the facility for longer than ten minutes.  Apparently, after 9 minutes and 59 seconds the Omicron variant will swoop in an get you. more

25 Comments on Chicago’s Mayor Beetlejuice Announces Omicron Prevention 10 Minute Policy, After Ten Minutes Must Show Proof of Vaccination ID

  1. Be sure to watch the whole video. There is nothing scientific or medically-informed about any of it. It’s arbitrary gobbledegook.

    All these measures are simply the flexing of political power and “punishment” upon the citizens who are not getting with the program. But I have to believe that these big-city mayors do shit like this in order to be able to get Covid money from the Federal Trough? “Look at the hard stance I am taking against the pandemic. Please send 100 million in cash.”

  2. So, if I am in Chicago and someone pulls a gun on me can I go with the ten second rule as well. No shooting and I get a 10 Sec. head start.

    Maybe some waiter can drop her food on a rodent infested floor, but that’s OK if he picks it up in < 10 seconds and serves it. Not a chance of getting germs on it.
    Chicago has become a bigger shit hole since she got into office. I too have no F's to give about Chicago.

  3. @Irate Nate December 22, 2021 at 3:13 pm

    > She should have been driven from the city with torches and pitchforks

    We used to burn witches at the stake.

    Evil racist, breeder, patriarchy…


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