Biden Admits to Reporters He’s ‘Not Supposed’ to Speak to Them – IOTW Report

Biden Admits to Reporters He’s ‘Not Supposed’ to Speak to Them

Neon Nettle:

Joe Biden told reporters that he was not “supposed” to be having a press conference, in a bizarre admission that raises questions about who is really in charge.

Biden was addressing the media about his administration’s plan to tackle the pandemic before he suddenly switched to speaking about Sen. Joe Manchin killing his now-dead $2 trillion Build Back Better Act.

Biden argued how his plan would lower costs “across the board” before he trailed off.

“I’m not supposed to be having this press conference right now,” Biden admitted.

But Biden’s bizarre statement prompted even more questions from the press. more

14 Comments on Biden Admits to Reporters He’s ‘Not Supposed’ to Speak to Them

  1. This is some scary shit!!! This is supposed to be the leader of the free world!!! If anyone thinks this man got 83 million votes….my advice is to lay off the crack pipe before you kill yourself!!!

  2. I have no doubt he would easily be able to stare down Putin and Xi /sarc

    Is it any surprise most of those questions only show up on twatter and not broadcast? And why don’t they show up for Jen Psaki?

    On a huge tangent, can anyone in the LA area tell me how many container ships are still waiting to get into the Port of LA? Since this administration is lauding that the port has less than have as many containers as they did a few weeks ago.

  3. @RogerF
    “I have no doubt he would easily be able to stare down Putin and Xi /sarc”
    That’s because his VACANT stare would cause any adversary to immediately crack up knowing what a farce this country is right now.

  4. “Biden indicated he would get ‘trouble’ for taking questions during a meeting following the passage of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. ‘I can take … I’m going to get in real trouble.'”

    Straight up elder abuse, just like forcing him to run.

  5. Who’s in charge? The nation and people-killing greed-infested George Soros along with the cabal of globalists, deep-state, and establishment criminals. That’s who. Biden is nothing more than a mummified shrunken figurehead and impostor.

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