California to ‘Fight Climate Change’ With Rotting Banana Peels and Fines – IOTW Report

California to ‘Fight Climate Change’ With Rotting Banana Peels and Fines


A new year is almost upon us and, according to the left, so is the “climate change crisis.” Put those together and that means California bureaucrats are set to impose a new fresh hell of tyrannical regulations on their citizens. Beginning January 1, 2022, under Senate Bill 1383 and the penalty of stiff fines in most cases, all Californians will be required to separate their excess food waste into bins to be collected by local recycling services.

Not only will every resident in the state have yet another extremely rank-smelling bin full of inedible week-old tuna casserole, mushy cucumbers, fuzzy yogurt, and rotting banana peels to drag out to the curb, it also means every food-related business in the state must also do the same while additionally arranging for the collection and hauling away of all edible food waste to solid waste facilities, local food banks, and other food recovery organizations. These are the very same businesses that have struggled mightily to stay in business throughout the pandemic and Governor Newsom’s tyrannical lockdowns. more here

15 Comments on California to ‘Fight Climate Change’ With Rotting Banana Peels and Fines

  1. Can those facilities that compost inedible food waste also process politician corpses? Would they have to be dismembered first? Would failure to remove lead-containing bullets from the bodies be a violation of HAZMAT disposal regulations? If a garrotte is natural fiber, can it be left around the neck?

    Asking for a friend, of course.

  2. I got that notice in the mail. I will not comply. My property backs up to open space on two sides. Open fields full of mice and rats. I have enough to do killing the ones who venture onto my property let alone luring them with food scraps!! Dumbasses! What are they going to do?! Form a brown shirt task force to check my garbage for scrapsI didn’t put in the bin?!!

    #FJB and Newsome

  3. Something makes me believe that if there is little compliance, they’ll just do what they can to cut down on your food waste from the supply side. Hard to throw food scraps out if you don’t have any.

    Rest assured, they’ll be starving you for your own good. That’s why you’ll be voting for them after your dead, too. Because they have the little people’s backs.

    Up against a wall, that is.

  4. We’re supposed to separate our trash from recycle here, but at least it’s an option. I quit a long time ago and pay an extra 3 bucks a month for the large bin where everything goes. Including “illegal” things like electronics that I bury among the rest so the driver doesn’t see it. That’s where most of it ends up anyhow. If I was in Commiefornia, all that food shit would be in the middle of my bin with the electronics.

  5. As an avid gardener for 30+ years I have been composing the majority of my food scraps. It is free fertilizer so the effort is worth it to me.

    What irks me is my waste service will be charging me more now because they have adopted a new program to handle everyone’s food waste. Seems I should be getting credits for all the debris I have kept out of the landfill over the decades.


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