Canadians should have “zero trust” after feds spied on 33M devices: privacy expert – IOTW Report

Canadians should have “zero trust” after feds spied on 33M devices: privacy expert

CFP: PHAC secretly spied on 33 million mobile devices of unsuspecting Canadians.

Trudeau government admits it used mass surveillance during lockdown.

PM: Canada’s Public Health Agency admitted that it used surveillance on Canadians by tracking 33 million mobile devices to test whether lockdown was working.

The government used mass surveillance as “understand the public’s responsiveness during lockdown measures,” according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

“Due to the urgency of the pandemic the Agency collected and used mobility data such as cell tower location data throughout the Covid-19 response,” said a government spokesperson.

“It was to help understand possible links between the movement of populations within Canada and Covid,” they added. more

10 Comments on Canadians should have “zero trust” after feds spied on 33M devices: privacy expert

  1. They’re not ASKING you to trust them.

    They are FORCING you to OBEY them.

    At this point, they don’t give a fuck if you trust them or NOT.

    They know you won’t give up your personal tracking devices and indoctrination Web sites.

    So go ahead, don’t trust them.

    You will comply or be destroyed either way.

  2. Kcir, I too keep a flip phone, unfortunately AT&T I heard will soon be switching off 3G making older phones obsolete. Best thing to do is leave the phone at home. I’m sure they are tracking vehicles and credit card usage so it is difficult to stay under the radar of our overlords.

  3. People need to ditch their smart phones, GPS, Alexas, IOTs, etc. I have been saying this for years, and at this point I have little sympathy.

    You want to put a trackers and spy tools on yourself like you’re a criminal parolee, be my guest. Otherwise, the tiny inconveniences you might (or might not) encounter by not being able to upload pics of your restaurant excursion to FB, or having to write down directions, or not being able to meet someone where you said you would at the time you said you would… to my mind simply do not outweigh the downsides.

    Get a not-smart phone and keep it in a faraday bag for use when you’re traveling in the event of a true emergency. Get a landline phone. Get a landline router and desktop computer (and turn off all the tracking crap). Start using cash for things. Do it. Get back into the habit. Even if it seems unnecessary now (“I have nothing to hide”) you may be very happy you did a year or so from now. Ditto electronic banking. Go back to doing things like you did them 20 years ago. At the very least, the more people who do this, the more difficult it will be for government inetitutions et al. to implement their tyranny for everyone.


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