COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs – IOTW Report

COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs

RUTLAND, Vt. (WCAX) – Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are clogging up emergency rooms.The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks. more

Some commentary on this: Fear-Stricken, Paranoid Lemmings Are Overwhelming Hospitals.

21 Comments on COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs

  1. Good grief. Turn off your fookin’ TVs.

    This latest strain is so mild that the CDC(yeah I know) says it’s hard to tell it from a cold. So we’re now at the point where millions of idiots are scared to death about getting a runny nose.

  2. @MMinWA
    “So we’re now at the point where millions of idiots are scared to death about getting a runny nose.”
    That’s exactly where the corruptocrats want them. Also – believing that you and I are at fault.

  3. Just when you say that the “expert” don’t know what they’re doing, remember that they do know how to manufacture, promote and nurture a Crisis and Chaos is their middle name! They have proven that time and time again! Now I’m not saying that they’re sending out COVID tests that somehow come up positive when used, but would it really surprise anyone at this point if they actually did?

  4. I saw a photo posted yesterday in Boulder, nearly 2-hour long line of cars with people waiting to get tested. I guarantee most had no symptoms or maybe a sniffle that they decided must be the death of them. Because actually sick people would see a doctor.

  5. My wife got so e covid antigen tests through our insurance last week. Sure enough, my youngest son woke up sick yesterday. He’s upstairs in QuArAnTiNe. So now all three of my kids have had covid. My wife and I are still waiting for our turn. BFD.

    I’m not convinced these test are any more legit than the crappy PCR tests. It seems like just another way to continue the scam and frighten the herd. Sadly, it appears to be working.

  6. “So we’re now at the point where millions of idiots are scared to death about getting a runny nose.”

    Last week I re-read “Animal Farm”, Orwell was spot on in describing the misery socialism brings to its practitioners, we have way too many Napoleon The Pig’s in our own government now. But I was struck at how dumb, naive, and easily manipulated the sheep were in the story. Right now our country is full of dumb easily manipulated sheep, too lazy or too scared to take agency in their own lives. The risk is too great, the variables too numerous, it is much safer to let the government take care of us. The government knows what they are doing and only have our best interest at heart.

  7. What does one expect when you inject a foreign substance into your body that eliminates your immune system. It’s bad enough watching the eyes of the masked. They have f’ing fear in their eyes. They are the ones you don’t want to be around WTSHTF. They will bring you down faster than anyone – why? Because they can’t be reasoned with. I just tell them not to take their mask off when they talk to me – their breath is wretched. Knock me over it’s so bad. I wonder how many germs that mouth is harboring, and how sick have they been since wearing that diaper 24/7? There’s nothing more disgusting – other than watching a homeless person drop a load on the sidewalk. They can’t be reasoned with either. Zombies is all I saee.

  8. How long before health insurance companies go bankrupt, and the government steps in and whalalala, we have full government takeover of the health system. This can’t go on. Look whose running the health system now – an f’ing trannie! We are doomed!

  9. Man, seems like everyone who was worth a shit in this country historically was either killed off in wars or worked to death. Half of those leftover are completely neurotic, useless assholes. I can’t even imagine how fucked up mentally an otherwise healthy person has to be to live in terror of a fucking cold.

  10. A woman called in to a friend’s company needing her heater looked at, but she told him he probably needed to wear a mask because her son tested positive for covid, he only had cold symptoms, but she and her husband were with him on Christmas day. She said her husband should be fine as he had his booster 3 weeks ago, but that she couldn’t get her booster until the end of the week.

    This is how ignorant people are, for one thinks a mask will protect them from a cold, two why get tested for covid for the sniffles and three thinking she’s going to catch a cold because she’s only had two shots, but her husband is good because he’s had three.

    Sadly, the truth is since they’ve had shots, they both probably will get sick, and probably very sick because that seems to be what is happening to those that are jabbed, they get exposed to a cold and they end up with worse than a cold.

    I don’t figure any of the people who brought this upon us, including the masks, lockdowns, virus, and death jabs will pay for it on this earth, but I sure wouldn’t want to be any of them when they bow before God and have to answer for what they’ve done and that includes any person who lies about them being safe and effective.

  11. If you ever go to VT you will see the foolishness.
    Just going over the border from NH you can see and feel the poverty.
    There are a few well to do areas but much of the state is pretty bad off. Yet they keep voting for the idiots who suppress the economy.
    The whole state is mostly full of libidiots.

  12. I woke up around midnight with a stuffy nose. I have been taking my vitamins faithfully, so got up, grabbed a Nyquil and back to bed. Feel better this morning – popped my vitamins and guess what? Life goes on. I am UNvaxxed and not worried about it being the crud.

  13. I don’t go to an ER unless I’m unconscious or have exposed bone, and I am completely mystified by people who aren’t sick taking tests that don’t work and going to an ER that fired half its staff that couldn’t do anything for them anyway even if the tests were LEGIT.

    Hospitals are great places to GET sick tho. Look at staph infection rates and consider the GENUINELY sick (NOT with Coof) that go there, bleeding, shitting, pissing, wiping in the cheap plastic seat YOU settle into when they leave.

    So they go to the hospital, contract an unrelated noscomal illness because, duh, sick people and hours of sitting around them, and think the bacterial infection they contracted is actually viral Coof, and can’t figure it out even when given antibiotics FOR A NON-VIRAL INFECTION.

    Idiots. Sheep. Weak, gullible fools. Cowards, cowards all.

    But there’s a LOT of them.

    And they all vote Democrat.

    Even AFTER they die stupidly.

    We’re doomed.

  14. SNS, sadly they don’t all vote democrat anymore. A lot of Republican voters doing the same darn thing now. A lot of them also wear a mask in a car alone as well.
    This shit has turned far too many people into scared chicken littles with no common sense left.


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