There is some intelligent life in the House – IOTW Report

There is some intelligent life in the House

Good news: There is some intelligent life in the House.
I’ll let Steve Kirsch explain.

5 Comments on There is some intelligent life in the House

  1. I can tell you exactly what every office of the RINO Queen, Collins (ME) will say.
    Because you get the same answer for any and all questions.
    “The Senator has not released a statement yet.”

  2. My experience in dealing with the various House members that represented(?) me were pretty much the same no matter the party-2 dems 3 Rs. I never bothered with contacting Pat Schroader(or DeGette) when I lived in CO-1, could not stand that cunt.

    The word that comes to mind is obfuscation. Never once was my direct question, why are you printing of trillions of dollars out of thin air when history has shown us that every time a government goes down that road, that country’s economy is destroyed?

    The hummahumma is intense. Always some bullshit about the need
    to provide for the constituents of the district. Always about bringing home the bacon despite historical ramifications.

    When pressed with a follow up question to their printed form letter replies like do you run your family’s budget with a deficit year after year, communication stops.

    Try it. Ask what are our interests in Ukraine. Ask for any studies proving masks are effective. Ask why they aren’t outraged about the treatment of the people arrested for 1/6. Ask why we do business with a country that sells us slave labor made goods. Ask why they’re exempt from insider trading prohibitions.

  3. The house occupant who grifts from my district is that shitweasel umfume. I’m not wasting my time calling that office.
    PS – Kim Klasik ran a great campaign and he didn’t do anything. The corrupt baltimore election officials must have cheated like hell. He knew the fix was in so he didn’t bother campaigning at all.


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