NFL will require media to receive COVID-19 booster shot – IOTW Report

NFL will require media to receive COVID-19 booster shot

The NFL encourages but does not require players to be vaccinated against the virus.


(Reuters) โ€“ The National Football League (NFL) on Monday said it will require members of the media to receive a COVID-19 booster shot in an effort to stem the spread of the virus within the league.

The requirement will take effect on Jan. 12 and will apply to media working at team training facilities, covering the playoffs and the Feb. 13 Super Bowl in Los Angeles. MORE

9 Comments on NFL will require media to receive COVID-19 booster shot

  1. Fine with ME.

    After THEIR part in The Steal, covering for Pedo and Company and their ilk, and fanning the flames of hysteria over a seasonal flu until it killed millions and destroyed institutions, I think it would be some justice if their foul blsck little chicken hearts painfully loxk up on them in the middle of writing yet anther fawning Fauci article and lauding The Pedophile to the skies, and may it be a painful screaming death too, though we’ll never be told about it by their fellows in doublespeak and toilers in the fields of Kitman…

  2. over a friend’s house yesterday for a Christmas Party. They had the big-screen tv on w/ the NFL game (Ravens vs. Bengals in Cinnci). I glanced at the screen & noticed that in the end zone they painted ‘End Racism’ in big, bold letters. I laughed, shook my head & exclaimed, “Really? ‘End Racism’? … from a team that is 95% Black?”. several males let out a muffled ‘huh-huh … yeah’. several females let a ‘humph’ & a few started bubbling up their ‘feelings’ until they finally exploded, stating “Well, what’s wrong with that?!” … with appropriate hands placed firmly on hips.

    I tried to keep my cool & calmly explained that a game played by teams that were at least 90% black & watched & paid for by an audience that was at least 80% white (the audience in this house was 100% white) would have a hard time to declare we should ‘end racism’ unless we truly divided all gathering of people in work & leisure into their actual country-wide, or at least state or county-wide racial representation. I further waded into the deep end of the pool saying that racism is a construct of tribalism & has no place in modern society & furthermore anyone that declares ‘racism’ is actually a bygone relic of bigoted colonialism of primitive societies!

    one could actually hear the gears in people’s heads slowly turning …. I got a few nods & winks of agreement from some folks, but for the rest of the people I suddenly became ‘unclean’ for the rest of the evening; a leper … ok by me … at least I got free use of any beverage or snack tray I cared to indulge in

    I left the party w/ a great deal of smug satisfaction, getting shit-eating grins & thumbs-up from more than a few husbands & ‘significant others’ while She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed imperiously took my arm, & w/ heads held high, we marched home … where we celebratorily bopped boots ’til the wee hours of the morning

    or at least until we fell blissfully asleep about 10 minutes later

    damn, I lost the subject of that story really quick, didn’t I?

    my point is that it seems the NFL has realized they haven’t killed their product enough & want to destroy it even more … ok by me … except for peeking in every now & then to see how Tom Brady’s doing, I wiped my feet of them several years ago. no more GaS, no more $$$ … buh bye

  3. They may as well announce that we are ‘required’ to watch their nFelonsLeague. I can’t hear them.

    It would be sad to reminisce how important Mon Night Football used to be in the social lives of so many, only to see all that trashed and gone. So glad the emblem, t

  4. Well if all this dreamed up, ginned up so-called “racism” has done anything postive at all it’s that it clearly demonstrates how many suckers and lemmings there are wandering around in a fog! It scares me to think that they multiply and drive… and vote!!

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